this ticks me off.

I have a local LFS guy that i have been going to fo about 8 months on a regular basis. well week and a half ago i went to him about an ich problem. he said that i had brooklynella. needless to say he had no medicine for the fix. so he calls me back and tells me that i should drop the salinity down to 1.014 and do this for 14 days. so I start this process and after 5 days of this i had lost a favia brain and a 5in green frogspawn and now losing my gsp polyp. I traveled to a new store an hour north and these guys tell me taht I should have not done that, and gave me a bottle of kick-ick. I hope that this stuff works. i have lost to must already. Please give your feedback about this. I would like to hear what yall have to say.


Staff member
Sorry to hear this, travis. I can say there is no real effective way to treat fish diseases in display tank, especially one with corals, live rock, inverts. Kick ich is next to worthless.
Do your fish have ich? Or brooklynella?

salt life

Active Member
I tried the kick-ick with my lionfish and it will go away for a couple days then come back worse than before and that only makes it more stressful, sorry to hear about your losses and agrivation, i know how ya feel man.
see thats the problem, i dont know what they have. I have ahd a puffer and two black clowns die form this. they all had a white haze on them and they slowly just stopped swimming. but the other fish i have dont look like this. they have only had a few white spots here and there but nothing serious. they are dong real good.


Active Member
So you are here in my backyard.... I assume the tank is here with you at Bragg?


Was the haze there before the fish died? What you are describing is not brooklynella. How many fish are left? I am assuming that you do not have a quarantine tank. Have you brought the SG back up on the tank yet? You will have to do this slowly or you will shock your stock. You will not be able to eradicate ich from the tank without proper treatment. However, you may be able to control it while you cycle a quarantine tank for your remaining fish. Keep the water parameters pristine, add FRESH garlic (not bottled) to their foods, and dose their foods with a rotation of Vitachem and Zoecon. Please also take a look at Beth's Common Treatments FAQ which is located at the top of this forum. There is information about ich, how to set up a QT, treatment options, why fresh garlic is effective, etc.
Yes i am in your back yard and thetank is wth me on base. And no I am slowly take the salinity back up doing the rest today. Yes i beleive thye had a film on them. I still have a banjii,snowflake eal, purple fire goby,hippo,and a three stripe damsel, purple lobster


Active Member
I offer up RULE #1 in this hobby.....
Don't EVER, EVER believe anything that a lfs tells you. They are in the loop to make $, and that will come off of the expense of ME & YOU. Ask first on here, then decide.


Originally Posted by travisginger13
Yes i am in your back yard and thetank is wth me on base. And no I am slowly take the salinity back up doing the rest today. Yes i beleive thye had a film on them. I still have a banjii,snowflake eal, purple fire goby,hippo,and a three stripe damsel, purple lobster
How are they all looking? Does anyone have spots? Have you thought about the QT and have you picked up vitamins and garlic?


Active Member
I agree if you have coral and inverts there isn't really much you can do other than try and keep your fish fed and try garlic/vitamins. Any treatment will have ill effects on the rest of the tank. You can pull the fish out into a QT or do a freshwater dip depending on what you have but treatments to your DT can make you not only lose your fish but your whole tank, and starting over is a real kick.
I had an outbreak 2 years ago christmas out of the blue.... tried kick -ich (garbage imo) and tried alot of things.... basically had to start over with the fish aspect after waiting a few months but everything else survived.
I changed filtration and got VERY VERY picky in choosing fish and haven't had a problem since *knock on wood*
i dont have any pics of the fish that died but i do have some of the fish taht i still have. no i havent got any of the stuff yet do to money. i am still trying to get them.
Originally Posted by T316
I offer up RULE #1 in this hobby.....
Don't EVER, EVER believe anything that a lfs tells you. They are in the loop to make $, and that will come off of the expense of ME & YOU. Ask first on here, then decide.
what lfs do you go to and where is it located.



Active Member
We are not allowed to say the names on here, but I frequent several here in the triangle area. But I'd say that one of the better lfs's is in Garner. I don't get your way very often, so I'm not sure what's near you.