This Website

Has anybody on Here ever bought from this website? Or off the internet period?
Just woundering because there is tons of livestock out there and different type in different area's. Thanks for your help.


I have bought from here and got good quality livestock. Even more than I bargained for. I ordered some items from the new "frags" list and thought I was only getting one head but recieved a 2 headed torch and a 3 headed hammer coral! I also have ordered fish and inverts too. All good. I had one fish die but they gave me credit. Very reputable.


I have bought LR here to start my new tank, I bought off of eb*y before. However, I would not recommend it. The guy shipped it and it took 4 days for my inverts to get herre. I only lost the 3 pep shrimp I bought, I also got 3 nerite, 3 turbo, and 6 nass snails. I just wanted a small cuc. He did refund me for the shrimp, but I had a decent experience, just bad shipping. You just have to be careful and buy from reputable buyers who have a good history. I know there is a thread somewhere about a shipment from here that was badly packaged and the fish were not properly heated. The guy lost 4/7 fish. Just what I can share...


Well I must add that I live in the same county where the warehouse is located. So my shipments don't go far. Lol..


I have bought from here quite a few times, and have been EXTREMELY happy with all I got..much bigger frags then I expected, and great looking fish....They also stand behind their items. I did have a death, and it was covered no questions asked.


Yeah, I think the guy who lost the fish was in Washington, so I would suppose that loss is expected. Its not like a 2 hr drive its an overnight flight....


Active Member
I've ordered from here three times and have been THRILLED every time. The livestock is always healthy and vibrant and the anemones and corals have always been much bigger than I expected - always a pleasant surprise. I had one death out of three shipments and they immediately credited my account. HIGHLY RECOMMEND this site for purchases.


Ive bought a puffer, pep shrimp, and a cleaner shrimp and they are all happily roaming my tank for the past six months and going strong!


Active Member
sue, next time you're ordering can you let me know, and i'll let you know if i'm ordering? just in case there's something either of us want and such. (i told my wife i want to be able to order something from here for my bday in march)

florida joe

Well-Known Member
I think ordering from this site as well as others is a win some loose some propositioned through no intentional fault of the site. Stuff just happens
I highly recommend this site. Most of my purchases have been made online and I've never had a problem. My last two purchases have been made from here and I was more than surprised at the quality, size, and health of my creatures!


Active Member
Originally Posted by renogaw
sue, next time you're ordering can you let me know, and i'll let you know if i'm ordering? just in case there's something either of us want and such. (i told my wife i want to be able to order something from here for my bday in march)
Great idea - I'll absolutely do that. I'm fortunate that I really like and trust my local LFS but sometimes there are specials on here that I just can't resist, and then I end up adding other things to my order since I want to justify the cost of shipping.


New Member
Thanks for the posting the question! I was wondering the same myself? Can you choose a day that you want your stuff delivered? I live in Colorado and it gets pretty cold. I would hate for the box of goodies to sit on my porch till I get home. I would prefer to be home when the shipment arrives- like on a Sat or Sun?? Thanks in advance. Love the site!!!


Active Member
Could you have the box delivered to where you work so it doesn't sit outside all day? Fed Ex doesn't deliver on Sunday's and I think it's a special service for them to do it on Saturdays and might not be available in your area.
Or if you live close enough to work you can watch the online tracking of the package and once you see it delivered (or close) then you can run home -- that's what I do, but I live close to the office.


Active Member
I had several DOA's and floaters the first 2 shipments from SWF. They made it right, though. I had a choice of credit or refund. The last 2 shipments have been PERFECT! I got my last shipment on Tuesday: 1-Punctato Butterfly, 1-Bluefin Angel, 1-Long Nose Butterfly, 1-Blue mandarin and a ricordia coral. I have to give SWF their props, they are first rate. Not perfect, but they VERY much stand behind their products.