This weekends 6-pac...

nm reef

Active Member
Anybody that wants to join in feel free...I just opened a 6-pic and thought I'd share the first one...

This pic is looking from the center front of my display towards the left side...the wrasse is either a red coris or a formosa...I've never been able to positively id it...but I've had it for well over a year now...I'd prefer him to be gone but that will have to wait until I switch over to a larger display. The damsel is the final survivior of the initial cycle nearly 2 years ago.
I'll be back later with another...:cool:


Active Member
its a coris wrasse, however a very dark coloration, interesting, i have one in my 135 that i have raised from a baby and is now about 5 inches long and still isnt a full adult yet!
good luck, great pic!

nm reef

Active Member could be a red coris...but then again it may be a formosa...I got it very young.....been over a year and its about 5"-6" in length.....changed from red to dark ...and now its getting a metallic blue along the bottom and starting to lighten to a pinkish/red around the head area .........
In any case time for another fresh one.....

This is a look at the upper / middle section of my lil 55 is getting to be a primium ...would be tough to space many more corals.Also there is my new blue tang(about 3")....7 week quarentine....just now showing a sign of a touch of stress but other than that it is in excellant health.....before the flames begin I assure you this was a careful consideration...and it will have a 150 gal display within the next 6 months.......I know the needs and I hope to have this fellow a long time.......:cool:

nm reef

Active Member
Heck...I'm thirsty here's another....
Two recent additions...the frogspawn and the alveopora have been added in the past 4 weeks.....they've both settled in and seem right at home....


Heck, I'll give ya a little more to help quench your thirst. This is my cleaner shrimp munching a piece of krill next to my fox coral. :)


Active Member
NM reef,
You gotta stop calling these 6 packs, your making me thirsty. Expecialy when there is no beer in the house.:D

nm reef

Active Member
But the beer is cold here...and I've got a few more pics to share.....very nice looking fox there shadow. I just added a small one myself...sure hope its grows as well as yours.....
Here's another look at my coris/formosa wrasse.....along with a few long time coral residents.

nm reef

Active Member
I know...I know.....this tang will not stay long in a 55....and believe me its a healthy I think he'll live to see the 150....and much longer if all goes well.....:cool:


OMG Bang, awesome pic! What do you do, pay them 2 cubes of Form 1 to pose for the pic?? I have to sneak up on mine to get pics, and can usually only get 2 before they all decide that's enough. lol I'll give ya another pic I just got of my Zebra Moray...