"Majano"-We all no what it is right? Well, I had an outbreak. maybe 30 or 40 all over my reef. My peppermint shrimp weren't taking care of business, so I resorted to plan B. I made up a paste with hot water and Kalkwasser and injected each one of those suckers right in the stem. It's very effective. they all seemed to be gone. I did it over about a week's time so as not to introduce too much kalk at one time. Here's the best part!! A few day's later both of my decorator crabs are right in front with 3-4 majano's proudly on their back!! I'm figuring that I have to get both crabs out or they will spread this stuff endlessly. While I'm planning my attack one of the crabs gets up on a rock high in the reef. I quickly prepared a syringe with my "magic juice" and that little devil sat there and let me inject the 4 majano's as though he knew what I was doing and he wanted them dead more than I did. I'm waiting for the other decorator to be just as co-operative or I'll have to get him out to clean him off. Stay tuned for "the rest of the story".