This will get your attention


I've had this guy preserved in a bottle of Vodka for a couple of years now..He appparently was a hitchhiker in my florida live rock (back in the day when it was still harvested)..Lived in the sand for a couple of years and grew to be almost 24 in long..Had to tear down the tank to get him out, beautiful tunnel maze which was visible under the tank..spotted him one day emerge from the sand and open his disjointed mouth and grab a piece of coral..


Active Member
are you kidding? THAT was in your tank? That is about the scariest thing I have ever seen and it would terrify me knowing it was in there. Kinda reminds me of jaws,they didn't really didn't know how big he was until they saw HIM!!
And shouldn't he be in tequila? :D ;)

the claw

Active Member
I want details on how you nabbed him. Obviously you drank the vodka before you did it. Courage in a bottle! I pride myself on being the ultimate predator, but thats nasty.


Once, I had all the rock out of the tank... I could look underneath through the glass bottom to see which tunnel he was in, and shoved my net down on his body as he was trying to get away..actually chopped last 3 in of his tail off.. Had to dismantle the reef, because as soon as you touched the sand above where he was, he was outta there....btw...he's a fireworm for those interested...


Active Member
thats scary but if you want to be grossed out do a search for the name steveweaste and his worm was like 8 feet long wow:eek:


Active Member

Originally posted by Tyr-Sog
I just saw this guy for the first time in my tank today. I seen 4" of him.

Yours is not the same- your is a harmless bristle worm- no worries


That was my first live rock order, and I have to say that it was the most creature packed adventure I would ever have. I recall saving every last critter that I possibly could..I ended up with about 16 urchins, crabs, my favorite worm, a nasty mantis shrimp..I should have saved him also, he took awhile to catch..and about 20 snails later... Even though the fiji rock has great purple algae, it's almost sterile compared to my original rock!!