I hunted for years down in the Big Bend area for mules. I did it primarily for the deer meat. I could kill one 300 lb. mule deer and have steak, sausage, and jerky for a year. If you do it for sport, I see no problem with it. However, many of the new hunters don't actually hunt them down anymore. They lease a couple hundred acres from some Hill Country farmer, then go stick a couple of corn feeders in places where they've seen deer tracks. They basically train the deer to come to one specific spot every day for their meals. Then on opening day, they sit in their deer blind a hundred yards from the feeding spot, and wait for little Bambi to come by, so they can blow their ^&^&%$$ brains out!! Half of them don't even take the meat. They had a big problem in Kerrville where the land owners were finding full carcasses with nothing but the horns or head removed. Those are the kind of 'hunters' I'd like to hunt. Start sitting donuts and M&M's out in the field every day. Wait for one of them to come eat again, and POW!! Stick their head on a board and hang it on the wall. Maybe then they'd know how it feels.