Three Months

nemo lover

Nice job!!!!
Bang If you don't mind me asking.. using an auto topoff w/limewater is this like dosing with kalk right? How is it set up? What are the pros of using one? Is it only needed with hard corals?

bang guy

Kalk (Lime) is a dry Calcium hydroxide or Calcium oxide powder. Kalkwasser (Limewater) is Kalk dissolved in water.
The advantage is that it can maintain Calcium and Alkalinity levels relatively cheaply.
Some soft corals can consume even more Calcium and Carbonate than many hard corals so maintaining Calcium and Carbonate (ALK) is very important for all types of saltwater tanks.
Have you seen the thread titled "Informational Threads" at the top of the Reef Forum?

nemo lover

Thanks Bang-
I had read that thread along time ago... Although I did re-read it tonight , and refreshed my memory. Late night tonight.