Throught I'd share a little essay I wrote in school

zack schwartz

Active Member
it is gettin better I took some advice givin to me in this topic and now i get discounts here and such and even decided to be the youngest member of my local reef club thanks a lot!:D


don't worry about LFS was the same way when I first went there.....Now they buy my coral frags offer me jobs :)

tahoe ocean

Great essay! And just so you know, I'm old and still don't get treated well in some stores. I think it has to do with the people in the store trying to hide their ignorance with arrogance. If you ask any question they can't answer they tend to shut down instead of admit they don't know.
Great for you! You are a future go-getter!:D



Originally posted by Musipilot
Here's an anecdote to cheer you up Zack.
Many years ago, in New York City, a very scruffy looking man walked into a Cadillac dealership in lower Manhattan. The salesmen in their meticulous suits and silk ties paid little attention to the man, since he was dressed in dirty pants, an old shirt not tucked in, and had old, worn shoes on.
The man politely asked one of the salesmen about the new Cadillac convertible, and the salesman said, "Sir, I'm busy, I have customers to deal with, please don't bother me."
The man replied, "I'm a customer too. Why don't you help me?"
The salesman sneered at him, and said, "I hardly think you're a customer sir, thank you." and walked away.
The man walked out the door, walked into the Lincoln dealership across the street, and paid cash on the spot for a brand new Continental. He then drove up to the Cadillac dealer, pulled onto the curb, and raised a certain finger on both hands at the salesman that had been so rude to him.
The man's name was Howard Hughes. He loved to see how people would react to his attire, and judged many by their reaction.
Any salesman worth his salt knows better then to judge a book by it's cover, so remember, the problem in the pet store is THEIRS, not yours.
Have a great day dude, and you go right on shopping!

Thats funny because a family friend of mine did the exact same thing. Went into a caddy dealership after working out, pulled up in his ford ranger that he towes behind his $200,000 RV and wanted to look at some cars. The salesman wouldn't give him the time of day so he went and bought a lincoln instead.:)


Active Member
Zack, don't even worry about spiteful people that treat you that way. Not cool man. I can tell you're a smart kid from the way your write at your age. Keep it up, and you have a future in writing. Then you can buy the LFS and fire all those losers. :D


I'm in 7th grade too, only 13, but fish stores usually treat me with respect as they do any other customer, maybe it is because when people older than me come in they always have 1,000,000
questions to ask but when I come in I always advise them on what they are doing with their animals. Some pet stores even comment that after taking my advise they had less fish mortalities. I'd have to say that sometimes even when a come in and have not a penny to my name they still treat me with respect, always.


I too am in the retail business and I've learned a lesson or two on judging people. I sold cars for three years and am now in the finance department and I can tell you that those that don't look like they have money are they ones that do. They don't have to show it off. I was treated the same way when I was 18 and looking for a car. All the sales consultants didn't even pay attention to me. It still happens to me now at 23 when I go into a furniture store for my house. What I like to do is, if you know what you want, get another salesperson and buy it on the spot. Go to the rude salesperson and say thanks for their help and walk away. I do this all the time since I go into stores with sweats, tennis shoes and a t-shirt. Most will be surprised that I have a $350k house.

mudd puppy

New Member
Hey Zack
Excellent work. I am a school teacher, I give you an A+. Wish some of my &th graders could do that well.


Active Member
Thats kinda wierd I have never been not given respect for my age. I am 15 now. All the stores I go to are nice,very informative, and helpful. I usually do all my research and know what I'm buying before I go though. And man do I suck at English.

zack schwartz

Active Member
hey glad to se I got an A+ LOL
anyway just so gald to start seeing more young people in this hobby, just so much better seeing more teens( and more interest in general) to this hobby.
Ty_05_f so gald to hear that!


Staff member
Hey, Zack, don't feel bad. That stuff happens to a lot of people, not just kids. I used to go to Radio Shack until I noticed that the only customers that got waited on were young men.
As a woman, I have to grit my teeth and hold on to my wallat when I go into an auto repair shop.
And you think its unnerving when you get treated like that at the store, what if you actually paid someone to come to own house to work for you, and then they ignore what you are telling them needs to be done, just because you're a woman....that's life. Take it with a grain of salt.