throw the first stone


Active Member
if your perfect go ahead. lately. I have noticed any mistakes anyone makes are unforgivable.
people are getting burnt from asking honest qestions.
people who make bad jokes are hated......
people who have bad days are ostracized
nuff said.


Active Member
it bugs me that new users threads are beign hijacked by purely ridiculous answers, or they are getting crapped on for listening to their LFS before they found this forum. they come out and ask what "we" think and they get burnt for listening to whats supposed to be a trusted source of information. they will learn, not a reason to crap on them.
theres more but I'm not going to ramble.


Active Member
Ahmen. Everyone started out making mistakes and not knowing anything about saltwater speices. I agree, cut some slack. I use forums for information and to have fun.
I jsut left a forum because there was a small group that has gotten into the habit of bashing just about anyone that doesn't have over a thousand posts like they and aren't as knowledgable about reekkeeping.
I was getting tired of reading posts from the less experianced and seeing this small group getting their kicks by insulting the person's lack of experiance and the mods wouldn't do anything about it, I suppose because theya ll contributed maoney to the site. I had had enough.
Talk abotu stupid posts, having to read that trash when you were trying to get good info or trying to help someone out.


this is the first forum i joined to learn about the hobby because i am hopin to get a tank for my bday and i thank everyone who has helped this forum is full of ppl who actually give advice and it is appreciated


Active Member
If you see this happening us the "report" sticky thread located in the New Hobbyist section. We Mods will look at it and deal with it.
At the request of the original poster I'm going to re-open this thread. Use it to discuss positive ways to make forums better, not as a landfill.


Active Member
so you all know this is a PM I sent to a mod about this thread being locked:
if any bashing of mods, direct attacks on members occur lock and delete the thread, you have my permission and blessing.


Unforunately, opinions are like A holes. Everybody has one, and they are CERTAIN that their $#!t dont Stink. GIVE, LIVE, AND LOVE. Say that first thing and morning and last thing at night, and it helps keep a conscious morality to all endeavors throughout each day.


Active Member
They should fix the " report bad post link " if they really want to clean some of the site up...or the mods can be here a little more...they used to be great examples its like the site is just a kiddy chat room...


Active Member
Those that live in glass houses should not throw stones. I built my house out of brick so no big bad wolf will blow my house down.
PS: Posted by a member of the thick skin club


Originally Posted by Dogstar
They should fix the " report bad post link " if they really want to clean some of the site up...or the mods can be here a little more...they used to be great examples its like the site is just a kiddy chat room...
I would like to point out that we are people that have jobs and familys aswell just like everyone else here. and to add here is a bit of statistics for you
There are almost 40,000 members with 276389 threads and 2214599 posts in those threads there are 10 moderators thats gives each moderator 221459 posts to look at to go over the entire site and more being added by the minute.
I am not complaining I like to do it but at the same time thats why we ask for the regular members help in catching things. the first thing I do when I log in is to pull up the report thread in the new hobbiest section and take care of any posts that are placed there and then move on to the forum where there is more spam than the rest of the board.


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefkprZ
it bugs me that new users threads are beign hijacked by purely ridiculous answers, or they are getting crapped on for listening to their LFS before they found this forum. they come out and ask what "we" think and they get burnt for listening to whats supposed to be a trusted source of information. they will learn, not a reason to crap on them.
theres more but I'm not going to ramble.

I see what you are saying..I was getting all kinds of bad info before I got here.
If I see someone saying that the info they had came from a LFS..No need to bash them on it..It might have been the only source they had at the time..
As for members tearing into less exper. user..Thats why I wont even log onto -- anymore..


Active Member
Mike, I understand all that.....but the thread is here.
I dont mean any disrepect to the Mods...I thank all for the works they do...( You are one that seems to be here more often than others and responds to many post )...
My above comment was meant to be a compliment for when they do participate more....I can understand why it may not have been taken as such...sorry.
I just remember when the site seemed more openly controled in repectfull ways by them....They let the members know what was happening instaed of just locking or deleating..( as I said, set examples )..maybe Im wrong...
Again, the thread is here and Im just trying to help...


Active Member
Originally Posted by MichaelTX
I would like to point out that we are people that have jobs and familys aswell just like everyone else here. and to add here is a bit of statistics for you
There are almost 40,000 members with 276389 threads and 2214599 posts in those threads there are 10 moderators thats gives each moderator 221459 posts to look at to go over the entire site and more being added by the minute.
I am not complaining I like to do it but at the same time thats why we ask for the regular members help in catching things. the first thing I do when I log in is to pull up the report thread in the new hobbiest section and take care of any posts that are placed there and then move on to the forum where there is more spam than the rest of the board.
you mean to tell me that ya all read ALL 2 million posts every day??? or just the 100 to 1000 new posts a day...


Active Member
Originally Posted by Dogstar
They should fix the " report bad post link " if they really want to clean some of the site up...or the mods can be here a little more...they used to be great examples its like the site is just a kiddy chat room...

Man. Thanks for the support

This is a catch 22. We have a lot of things to watch, on a limited basis...and yet we need to explain more, instead of shutting a thread down, but it is a kiddy chat room, pulled a lot of ways there.

Well, unfortunately we can't often "explain" or "rationalize" these things to the "kiddy" types, so yeah, it is going to be deleted or locked, case closed. I think it is pretty clear in nearly all of the locked/deleted cases what the reasons were.
Activity on the board is pretty high, and I know my time is getting super limited. It is unfair to assume that mods are not here just because they may not post. Unfortunately, with limited time and perhaps bigger issues on the board, more time has to be spent truly moderating instead of assisting.
So perhaps everyone on here could make an extra effort to NOT cause trouble...yes, I mean that! Maybe be extra extra careful to not escalate issues and to maybe try and soften things over when they see issues. You are right, the power is not in the delete button it is in the smoothing things over and explaining. Many on this board have the same abilities to calm things down.
If you see these issues, report them yes, but maybe make an effort yourself to calm it down? Don't take the bait, don't bump a problem thread, or just remind people about tone of posts - or the old "hey, we were all there once" reminder? Everyone here has some ability to control the tone of the boards. It is not down to a handful of mods.