Tigger people: can I add this fish?


Active Member
I saw an unbelieveable Queen Trigger at about 6 inches and the price was equally as amazing.
I started thinking...could I add this fish to my eel tank?
It's a 125 with a 3' tesselata and blackedge.
I should probably know better ...do you think the tesselata will try to eat the trigger? He's known to eat fish...but I'm wondering if a big queen will be more intimidating.
Also, will the Queen damage the eels at all?
Is there anything special to know about queens, save for their legendary aggression?


I'd say its a gamble. Shat could hit the fan in a number of ways. Queens are known to be real beasts. If you do try it i would closely watch for aggression.


Active Member
queens are known to have eels as their chew toys
That doesn't sound good.
Thanks for the opinions. I think I'm going to pass on the risk.


Active Member
To add on to that further NOT to get it, they get to be 2 feet, bigger than alot of full size angels, not to mention they are properly named for their demeanor.....

Originally posted by polarpooch
That doesn't sound good.
Thanks for the opinions. I think I'm going to pass on the risk.

That probably a good choice, Queens are nasty. Besides they will turn your live rock into gravel. If your looking for a larger trigger to go with the tessy, maybe a larger undulated, lots of flash and a very cool trigger !!


Queens can be mean. My LFS had one that was huge. It was so mean that if you put your hand on the outside of the glass, it'd try to attack you. I'm sure it'll kill all in your tank.


I think I saw the fish you are talking about. If it is at the store by american tv. My wife talked to the guy in the fish room and he said that it killed everything in the tank of the guy who originally bought it. I dont know if that included any eels. Sure is a great looking fish. I had to really convince my wife that it wouldnt work out in our 75.:eek:


Active Member
I think I saw the fish you are talking about. If it is at the store by american tv.
That's the one! It's an amazing fish. But after all the above advice, I'm passing on it.
Are you from Madison?


Active Member
Add one other thing about NOT getting this trigger. At coney island this trigger was the only "tropical" lfs fish in the GIGANTIC tank. It had to be housed with 3 and 4 foot groupers and some other very very big fish. This tank was easily 10000 gallons. The trigger was full size, 2feet, cruised the rock but like i said was the only tropical fish in there.
Can't imagine why... :)


Active Member
I know the area well--lived in Beloit and Janesville before moving to Madison.
It was $69. Another store in town has a much smaller queen for $90.
Gorgeous, isn't it? I heard the same story about the first guy who bought it...I heard it terrorized his tank. The kid at the store fed it three goldfish at once...and all three were gone in less than a couple of minutes.
I'll continue my quest for a fish that can survive my eels. The only thing I can think of is some kind of trigger. I don't want a clown trigger.
How big and mean to undulates and bluelines get?


i dont think there would have been any way i could have resisted a queen for that price!!
why dont you want a clown trigger?


Active Member
why dont you want a clown trigger?

Because I hear they are even meaner than queens. I also have a blackedge with the tesselata. They don't get nearly as big and aggressive as tesselatas, so I have to keep in mind that whatever fish I put in won't eat or attack my blackedge, either.
My tesselata is 3' long...the blackedge is about 18" and pretty fat.
As I mentioned in the first post, the tank is a 125.
i dont think there would have been any way i could have resisted a queen for that price!!
...and that's why I was so interested in the first place. The fish is perfect, too.


Active Member
Ill second that. Queens are simply that, queens of the tank. Clowns are much better bets. Get a small one. That may help with the whole territoriality thing. I think it really all depends on the order of how you put the fish in and size.....