Timmy Tebow Question


Active Member
So, I'm sitting here thinking today. And well, do you think, that there would even be a debate about Tim Tebow, as a legit NFL QB, if he were say, the same color as Michael Vick?


Active Member
If your question had been about Michael Vick, would your thread title have been "Mickey Vick Question"?


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You criticize someone who happens to be _______________ and you are a Bigot rather than an informed person expressing an opinion.


Yes of course there would be. Everybody wants to make a big deal about black quarterbacks not getting the credit of chances that they deserve. I wonder why people these days even need to bring up questions like this. it is usually the people who say they want equality and color shouldn't matter at all and yet they feel the need to still ask these type of questions. I don't understand it, the thought of Tim Tebow having different opportunities or criticisms never crossed my mind until you had to go and ask this question. It doesn't matter to people in the NFL, if you can play you get the job regardless.


Active Member
Originally Posted by adam57 http:///t/389435/timmy-tebow-question#post_3441878
Yes of course there would be. Everybody wants to make a big deal about black quarterbacks not getting the credit of chances that they deserve. I wonder why people these days even need to bring up questions like this. it is usually the people who say they want equality and color shouldn't matter at all and yet they feel the need to still ask these type of questions. I don't understand it, the thought of Tim Tebow having different opportunities or criticisms never crossed my mind until you had to go and ask this question. It doesn't matter to people in the NFL, if you can play you get the job regardless.
lol, dang yankees and their lack of sense of humor. You know that is a completely loaded question, loaded with some cheap mockery of liberals and their bass ackwards way of thinking, (illustrating absurdity by being absurd) along with any and all the stupid ESPN documentaries about the terrible plight of the black NFL quarterback...
But I would like to slightly clarify, I wasn't referring to the NFL in general, but more the punditry that surrounds it...
That and I do wonder how he compares play wise to the last big running quarterback which was michael vick (minus the slight detour)...

tank a holic

Active Member
I say yes there would be, seeing as how they were arguing the same thing about mcvickey last year until this season when he proved that he is indeed not an elite QB
that being said, say all you want about tebow and his "string of 4th qtr / ot winning drives" I say an elite QB can make a comeback drive this is true, but most of the time an elite QB can win the game before the last drive and let the RB run out the clock, something Tebow most obviously can NOT do.


Active Member
If Vick sucked 3 1/2 quarters and his team barely squeezed out a win in the final seconds of the game, then absolutely he'd have the same scrutiny. I want to see Tebow succeed. The left has done everything in their power to expunge God and (especially) Christianity from public intercourse. He has single-handedly brought God back into the public consciousness. But that doesn't mean he's any good and that he can last. Those two points would both be made and argued if Vick played like Tebow played. The difference is Vick was a much better QB than Tebow and just happened to be black.


Active Member
I just think we should have a social discussion about the NFL's acceptance of a white running quarterback...


The NFL does not want to accept any running quarterback regardless of race. Vick running has been restricted ever since he got to the NFL. running quarterbacks don't have longevity. When Steve Young finally figured that out he became a hall of famer. Tebow may be able to withstand the beating because he is much bigger but he is no better a runner than Aaron Rogers, the difference is Rogers doesn't need to run to be successful. White or black they don't want their huge financial investment running around the field.


Active Member
I've been saying that about TT from the start. Sooner or later all those hits take a toll.
While the hype machine is saying he's getting better I am beginning to doubt he's going to put it together. I'd work him in as a tight end. You could work in some pretty wild plays with him in the game not as the QB. He might not be a good NFL passer as a QB but as a passing threat on a end around or something he'd be nice to have on your team.

tank a holic

Active Member
Originally Posted by adam57 http:///t/389435/timmy-tebow-question#post_3442102
The NFL does not want to accept any running quarterback regardless of race. Vick running has been restricted ever since he got to the NFL. running quarterbacks don't have longevity. When Steve Young finally figured that out he became a hall of famer. Tebow may be able to withstand the beating because he is much bigger but he is no better a runner than Aaron Rogers, the difference is Rogers doesn't need to run to be successful. White or black they don't want their huge financial investment running around the field.
I disagree, the NFL wants a running QB to succeed so bad they can taste it... that's why colleges are bringing up that type of QB, that type of QB is exciting to watch and therefore promotes better ratings and more revenue. The problem is that the defenses are too good for this type of player to be dominant... the pocket QB with good protection that can move enough to extend the play is still the pennicle of the position to this point and until a Cam Newton or Vick or Tebow or Tavarus Jackson to whoever wins a superbowl and proves this wrong it will continue to hold true. But with all the "mobile" QB's that have been given a shot (and quite frankly not succeeded) it is obvious that the direction the league wants to go.
and why is it that we cant have a conversation about football without bringing politics into it? damn people... just sayin


Active Member
Originally Posted by tank a holic http:///t/389435/timmy-tebow-question#post_3442726
and why is it that we cant have a conversation about football without bringing politics into it? damn people... just sayin
well, to make a little joke, and to show the absurdity of all hype around promoting a black quarterback... You should google something along the lines of we need the black quarterback... plus, I am curious as to how Tebow would compare to his previous running qb counterparts...


Originally Posted by tank a holic http:///t/389435/timmy-tebow-question#post_3442726
I disagree, the NFL wants a running QB to succeed so bad they can taste it... that's why colleges are bringing up that type of QB, that type of QB is exciting to watch and therefore promotes better ratings and more revenue. The problem is that the defenses are too good for this type of player to be dominant... the pocket QB with good protection that can move enough to extend the play is still the pennicle of the position to this point and until a Cam Newton or Vick or Tebow or Tavarus Jackson to whoever wins a superbowl and proves this wrong it will continue to hold true. But with all the "mobile" QB's that have been given a shot (and quite frankly not succeeded) it is obvious that the direction the league wants to go.
and why is it that we cant have a conversation about football without bringing politics into it? damn people... just sayin
The problem is that Tebow is in the same conversation with Cam Newton and Vick. These to can actually throw the ball unlike Tebow who simply can not throw well enough to be a NFL quarterback. Vick and Newton are also much more explosive runners. Also, Tebow's 7-1 record is actually the Bronco's 7-1 record. The Bronco defense deserves the credit not Tebow. If Tebow was on the Panthers tehy would not have won a game because a Tebow quarterbacked offense is not going to score 35 points a game. The only thing that he is doing to help his team is protecting the ball and taking advantage of other teams backing off their defense late in games.

tank a holic

Active Member
I agree that tebow is not near the QB or athlete for that matter that Newton or Vick are
none of which can balance their running / throwing as well as the two original "mobile QB's" which were Warren Moon and Randall Cunningham


Active Member
Originally Posted by tank a holic http:///t/389435/timmy-tebow-question#post_3442830
I agree that tebow is not near the QB or athlete for that matter that Newton or Vick are
none of which can balance their running / throwing as well as the two original "mobile QB's" which were Warren Moon and Randall Cunningham
Original mobile QB's? You ever hear of Fran Tarkington?


I think TT is one of those athletes who has more heart than actual talent. He uses what he has to the full extent while maybe others who are much more talented, maybe don't play with the same heart or drive. The rest of the country is catching on to the phenomenom that has been burning strong here for a few years.
I think he appeals to people because he is the average guy, he's the walking version of where there's a will, there's a way.
As far as comparing him to Vick, while Vic was fighting dogs, TT was building hospitals for children. Does this effect his playing ability? Not at all but it does lend to the mythic quality of TT.
I also agree that his reckless, almost untrained movements on the field will take a huge toll on his body and he will burn out long before his career should from injury.


Originally Posted by reefraff http:///t/389435/timmy-tebow-question#post_3442112
I've been saying that about TT from the start. Sooner or later all those hits take a toll.
While the hype machine is saying he's getting better I am beginning to doubt he's going to put it together. I'd work him in as a tight end. You could work in some pretty wild plays with him in the game not as the QB. He might not be a good NFL passer as a QB but as a passing threat on a end around or something he'd be nice to have on your team.
So what you should be saying is he will have the longevity more like a running back. If he is running most of the time then he is basically a running back that is taking a direct snap.
Originally Posted by adam57
Also, Tebow's 7-1 record is actually the Bronco's 7-1 record. The Bronco defense deserves the credit not Tebow.
Isn't that how 99.99999% of teams are? If you look at it how many times do you see teams praise/ give credit to a D line or an O line?........ not very often (with exception to the steel curtain in the 70s). Its almost always a, Look at how great that QB/ RB is... they won the game. Unfortunately that logic doesn't work even though that's what we all do. If you take the greatest QB of all time (Not gonna mention names because i don't want to start that fight lol), sure he will be able to pass well and maybe run some but if his O line is weak he will be on his back more than throwing balls. And a great offense cant always offset a super poor defense so the same logic of a great QB with an average offense and a poor defense results in a great QB that will never be recognized. You could even make the argument that just getting rid of good receivers with a great QB will result in a fail.
Hope that isn't too much of a ramble lol
As for the OPs question, i feel that there is a stereotype action going on here. Because Tebow is a white man the stereotype is he should pass the ball more and forget the run cause hes going to be a slower guy than a black counterpart. Tebow is a good runner and a weak passer so to me he is making the most with the hand hes been dealt.
BTW Stdreb this is coming from a Yank lol