Tink's Tank!

matt b

Active Member
Originally Posted by think_tink13
I love the way it looks too!
The Nano Cube was two gallons larger but it didn't really seem like it. I want to add that poster covering on the back of the tank so you can't see cords through the tank.
My fiance wanted to add a clean up crew tomorrow but I forgot the pH buffer at his house so since I can't treat the tank now it wont be ready for tomorrow =( I can wait a week... I think =)
Ya a back ground would make it look alot nicer. IMO I would wait a few days to add CUC just to make sure you dont get a spike but I think you COULD add it and be fine but I wouldent. And when are you testing your PH? It will drop at night so test it mid afternoon or right befor the lights go out. You dont want to dose if you dont need to
We got a clean up crew almost two weeks ago! We got a Cleaner Shrimp (his name is Jack), 4 Hermits, and 4 Snails.
The king of the castle:

One of the very active snails:

I also found a feather duster!

And something we are trying to identify:

This past Sunday we added an Emerald Crab (His name is Oz) and a False Percula (Hercules). This morning Hercules was finally swimming around and exploring the tank and right before I left to class I couldn't find him! I just got a call from my Dad he was found under my desk. Hercules is gone

Tonight I am going to Home Depot and buying the egg crate.


Tonight I am going to Home Depot and buying the egg crate.
+1 egg crate is a wonderful investment. Glass looks better but having the top open is better for gas exchange. You should look into a HOB nano skimmer also. I had pretty much the same problems as you and did it about the same way too. With the nanoskimmer LR and sand you really dont need the extra filtration, plus if you dont keep up on filter changes it becomes a nitrate sink.
Originally Posted by rebelprettyboy
hmm the clownfish jumped? Sorry to hear! Tank is still looking good though! When you gonna add some coral?
I have mushrooms in my other tank that I am going to transfer over to this one. I'm waiting for the other corals to bud some more before I frag them for my tank.
On another note: I've noticed that I am losing a lot of water! I am constantly adding water to the tank. Whats going on? My light is on from 2-10 I think its a lot my fiance says it normal. If my tank is so small do I really need the light on that much? The evaporation rate is crazy!


Active Member
you could lift the light a little higher away from the tank so its around -12 inches above the tank, or you could invest in a chiller which will help (it is mainly evaporating because it is cooling itself most likely)


total bummer about the tank and the clown
the tank looks great so far
I would love to have shrimp but they turn into expensive snacks for my wrasse
Oh well! Good luck w the tank!!!

matt b

Active Member
Originally Posted by think_tink13
I have mushrooms in my other tank that I am going to transfer over to this one. I'm waiting for the other corals to bud some more before I frag them for my tank.
On another note: I've noticed that I am losing a lot of water! I am constantly adding water to the tank. Whats going on? My light is on from 2-10 I think its a lot my fiance says it normal. If my tank is so small do I really need the light on that much? The evaporation rate is crazy!
Losing water is a pair but its a good thing. Just make sure you add fresh water back cause the salt stays in the tank but not the freshwater
I finally put the egg crate on top of the tank!
It blocks some light but its still pretty bright. I'm hoping this limits evaporation even if its only by a little. I'm losing about a gallon a week and its very noticeable with such a small tank!
Salinity is where it is supposed to be.
Nitrites are at 0
Nitrates are at the second level I forgot the number, 5 is it? or .5.... (I'm in class and can't exactly check)
Ammonia is at around .1 not exactly 0 not exactly .25
pH is at 7.8 I need to add buffer! This is the one thing that fluctuates so much!
This weekend we are going to get a new clown, Hercules II. I added mushrooms last week but they moved somewhere and I can't find them! Grrr
I wanted to get a purple firefish goby and a false percula but both of these fish like to be kept in pairs and I don't think my tank can hold 4 fish. Should I go with the gobies or the clowns?!
Hercules II and the snails that like to stick together!

I ordered Nassarius snails, Orange Monti Cap, and Bali Green Slimer. Hopefully they will get here quickly

I'm currently looking for a purple firefish goby in my area but I can only find the red one. I am going to keep looking.



i have my 10g setup for salt...love it to death...to bad i have my monster 90 RR sitting waiting for parts to come in the mail...then my 10 will be a brain growing tank. and zoo rocks.
Hercules II died =( I was running late for class so I couldn't test the water. Everything was fine on Friday when I last tested it. I have no clue what went wrong.
The nassarius snails were all over him! He didn't starve I know that much, he ate very well. He actually looked pretty big when I found him in the sand like overstuffed a little. He was alive when I got up this morning but in between finishing reports and getting ready he went belly up =(
Tank Stats as of this evening:
Salinity was at 1.026 and I just lowered it to 1.025
pH was at 7.8 I just raised it to 8.3
Nitrates were at 5
Nitrites 0
Ammonia 0
I expected a spike with the ammonia since he was in the tank almost 10 hours but nothing!
I added some corals about two weeks ago! The Xenia and Kenya tree are doing very well. The Peach Monti Digi not so good (I was supposed to get an Orange Monti Cap but I was sent the wrong one) its starting to turn white! =( and the Green Slimer has tiny white patches as well. I hope I can save them!
I haven't added any fish since the last clown died for no apparent reason. I'm going to wait until I'm done with the summer semester (2 weeks) and go searching for the Purple Firefish Goby.
