tiny white bugs


my tank is fairly new (1 month) and ive noticed that there are some white little flea like bugs on the glass. are there any fish that will eat these or is there a way to control them before they take over the tank??????


copepods very benificial to ur tank they are great for eating organic matter as well as feeding your fish
all this means is that you have a healthy tank


OOOO!!!!! You have what I long for!!!! COPEPODS!!!! I've wanted a Green Mandarin for so long --- but my live rock didn't appear to have the copepods everybody else seems to have..... My lfs doesn't offer copepods - and since mandarins need a constant supply ---- I doubt if I will every be able to have one.....
Ditto on the copepods ID. They are very beneficial detritus eaters and a food source for LOTS of different fish. No need to try and 'control' them. They won't take over your tank.


Originally Posted by dreamweaver
OOOO!!!!! You have what I long for!!!! COPEPODS!!!! I've wanted a Green Mandarin for so long --- but my live rock didn't appear to have the copepods everybody else seems to have..... My lfs doesn't offer copepods - and since mandarins need a constant supply ---- I doubt if I will every be able to have one.....
Order them from here...I do. I get them for my horse tank tho. I have a mandarin in my big tank, but I have pods all over. When the lights go out I see lots of them.


Okay... Now my questions... If I order - are the copepods considered "live"? I don't really want to "try" a green mandarin until I have an ample food source.... Yet, I also don't want to pay for shipping when I'm in this wait and see period.... Also - I only have a 55 gallon - and current residents are 1 Yellow Tang; 1 Christmas Wrasse; 2 Green Chromis; 1 Chocolate Chip Star; 1 Pencil Urchin; 1 Banded Goby.... so, my question is - will I even be able to maintain a copepod population????


I'd wait a little while...don't get a mandarin til your tank is older, I got my mandarin after the tank was 6 months old.
I didn't do anything, and the copepods just showed up, as I am sure yours will too. If you don't have any after a couple of months, order a bag....You can not see them in the bag, they are too tiny, but after a while they will grow.


My tank is a little over 2 years old at this point.... Purchased my live rock at my local lfs.... along with "bagged" live sand... and initially, filled my tank with some "ocean water"... I've kind of wondered about all of this - because I've never had copepods - ????? I have looked - during the day and at night as well with the lights off.... Still nothing! In fact, the only "hitchiker" I have ever discovered is the asterina star that was only spotted recently (and yes, initially I misidentified him as a baby choc chip)!!! Only having a 55 gallon tank - I again want to avoid the high shipping fees for one item... I have continually asked my lfs if they would consider "stocking" copepods - figuring that I would always have a food resource even if I couldn't maintain a copepod population... I mean after all, they do sell mandarins!! But their reply has always been that there isn't enough of a demand along with their experience with mandarins has been that they adapt to frozen foods... ???!!!??? (After reading on this site and doing other research as well, I don't believe that is true... What I think happens is that the lfs doesn't have the mandarins for any length of time, and so they don't experience the deaths... Although I do have to admit, that in their "showcase" tank there is one really healthy Green Mandarin!!! BEAUTIFUL is the more accurate wording! Large and chubby! But this is in a tank that has been established for several years - stocked heavily with live rock and fish that are not for sale....) Considering that copepods are offered in bottles, etc. that is why I asked if copepods are "live" items or not.... ????? ....