tips for taking pic's?


sinner's girl

Okay, I have a nice dig cam (or so I'm told), as was my last one I got them, but I can't for the life of me take a good pictures of the tank...everything else, I'm cool with. Plants, kitty, people, ect. I got luckly with my Gateway a few times, but mostly just suck. With all the setting the Kodak has, I'd think I could take a nice pic of the tank...
Currently I'm using Kodak EasyShare Z760, 6.1mp and I have a tripod...any tips? or if there's a thread with tips, point me to it please...
My other dig cam is Gateway DC-M40, 4.1mp (but either the card or the camera doesn't work...but I could try it if it's better). The other dig cam is MIA and not very good anyway.
Tips can be general, don't have to be for this camera.


i have the same camera, and would like to know also if anyone has any tips for good pictures

sinner's girl

I don't see marco on this camrea...I see snow, flowers, text, fireworks, party, children, beach, ect. Let me find the book (yes, I'm one of those who points and clicks, which is why I like this camera, I have no clue what it can really do).
My colors are way off...the tank looks horible!

sinner's girl

tank looked horid on the flower setting, it's to take pictures of real flowers...close up of flowers in bright light. I have another flower, but that just says Close Up: Use for subjects closer than 28 inches.
And M is manual setttings...
Choose one of 16 scene modes to get your shot
Portrait—places the subject in sharp focus, softens the background
Sport—captures subject in action without blurring
Children mode—captures action photos of children in bright light
Party mode—use for photos of people in indoor setting in lower light
Beach mode—use for bright beach scene
Flower mode—captures close-up photos of flowers in bright light
Fireworks mode—use for photos of fireworks
Snow mode—use for bright snow scene
Backlight mode—use for photos when light is behind the subject
Close-up—captures sharp, full-frame images at close range
Night Portrait mode—clearly captures both subject and background at night
Landscape mode—provides maximum sharpness for distant scenes
Night Landscape mode—provides maximum sharpness for distant scenes at night
Museum/Manner mode—use when sound or flash are not desired
Text mode—for sharp text when photographing documents
Self Portrait mode—use for close-up of self
No fish setting...
Info on camera
If I set the cam to the flower on top, the picture is's for close up....
How far away from the tank should I be?


On the top of that camera there is a button with a pic of a flower on top....
pic of mountains on the bottom
It's the 1st button in from the left as the you are holdin the camera away from you as you are taking the picture
Press this button until the flower image appears on your lcd.
Use any setting with this
I generally use just the auto setting and get as close as the focus will allow. You should be able to see on the lcd screen if your pic is in focus.
I generally don't use a flash
I have a couple different cameras. Recently bought the KodakZ650 6.1 10x zoom.
Probably similiar to yours.
Give it a try
hope this helps

sinner's girl

it's the middle button on my camera...not enough light without flash, if the tank light is off. with the tank light on, the pic is blue (only have moon lights currently hooked up).
Okay, at least the pic's aren't blurry now...
Okay, this is the best I got...(it's 55gl fresh sw tank is a pile of rock right now).
The tank looks good with the moon light, not all blue like the pic...
thanks... I might set it up to record and see if I can get anywhere with that.
Kodak, should have a fish setting, snow and beach are useless to would be good, lol



Hey Sinner, I was looking in your profile (I'm nosey LOL) and noticed you're a student. What are you going to school for? I'm just wondering because I'm a student too.

sinner's girl

Yeah, I have sw, 75gl, currently a pile of rocks and three stars...(bad bag of IO salt killed my urchins and hermits) didn't want to stress them out taking I practiced on fw. Plus my 75gl look horrible right now, lol, the moon lights came with the 75gl, but my stars freaked with them, so we moved them, fw fish like them.
I'm no longer a student
I studied English as an undergrad (and spending daddy's money and falling in love), then Technical writing for grad school. I graduated last May. (yeah, I know, two degrees and I still can't spell), also have certificate in Technical writing and communication. Sinner's still in school working on PhD in CAM.
I had fish in the 55gl, but couldn't control the temp, moved my stars to the 75gl...didn't want two sw tanks, since I did have the time (full time grad school and 38 hours a week working), and Sinner didn't like my 55gl empty (I was not not selling it), so he got fw fish. The 55gl looks so much better than the 75gl, but I'm working on that. I'm removing all the cc, and I'll be moving the tank to my office and adding sand. I hope to get fish, at least more inverts (I Love inverts!)
What do you study?


how do you post pictures every time i try it tell me that my image is to large but my camera don't have a smaller setting i'm anxious to show my animals too.


Hi, I have an older Kodak digital cameral and am having problems myself. Just yesterday I asked a professional photographer who I work with how to get better pics. He said make sure there is plenty of light, and put the cameral lens ON the glass. I haven't tried it yet but plan to as soon as I have time. Good luck and hope this works! :thinking:


Hey Sinner
I'm getting my degree in accounting. I should be done with school Next MARCH! But I am probably going to go back for graphic design. I can't wait to see pics of your 75 when you get it going. Are you only going to do inverts, or is it going to be a reef? I'll go ahead and post a pic of my tank for you to see
(You might have already seen it? :notsure: ) I Took the glare of the flash off the back glass in photoshop so it my look a little messed with lol.



Oh yeah, do you remember the blue linkia star post I had a week or 2 ago? Well he is starting to move around, is this a good sign?


Originally Posted by octaviaoli
how do you post pictures every time i try it tell me that my image is to large but my camera don't have a smaller setting i'm anxious to show my animals too.

You need a photo program to lower the size of the picture it probably is at a resolution of 150 or 200 your can lower that down to 72 and change the document size down also.


Kodak digi's stink if your going to pay the money PLEASE do yourself a favor and get the SONY H2 just came out, if you cant afford it please dont buy it. There is a cheaper alternative any guesses?? THATS RIGHT! the SONY H1. lol i own the h1 and i have owned a kodak z. 100 times better ask any professional. By the way My tank pics are perfect but to answer the question about uploading them to the site, you have to open them into paint and change the size. I think its 160x160 not positive but its something that size