To bangaii or not to bangaii


New Member
So about 7 weeks ago I asked the LFS if they could order me a Bangaii Cardinal. So I just got the call that they got the one for me, but the problem is that I have done some changes to my tank and now I dont know if I have the room. I really wanted this fish, but let me know what you think! Can I fit this last one FISH or am I already overstocked.
Set Up: 30 Gallon Long, 30+ live rock, HOB, Protein Skimmer, 8 months.
Fish: 2 Clowns, Scooter Blenny, Fire Fish
Inverts: 4 astrea snail, 1 large turbo, Cho Chip Star, 1 Peperment Shrimp, 1 Cleaner Shrimp, and I have found about 6 mini brittle stars!



Active Member
Yeah I would.. the bangaii don't take up that much room or bio load.
Our LFS has several large fish crammed in small tanks waiting to be sold... some with success.. some obviously not but I don't think your pushing it with this.


Active Member
1. Make sure its a TR Banggai.
2. You should be okay. I'd be more worried about the scooter dragonet in a tank that small.


Active Member
Single banger is fine, but please be sure to only buy aquacultured Bangaiis!
The scooter blenie is likely doomed......
Yes 1 is fine just make sure that you have 1-3 overhangs....they like to go under overhangs and chill. I had 3 in my 29 but i sold them they got to big.


Active Member
Congrats mabena. Yes, they are a little shy at first, but today is the 25th. Are you saying he still is not eating as of today? May just take a little more time of watching the others eat. I know they can go a long time without eating, I had a male carry eggs in mouth for weeks and went without food.


Active Member
Originally Posted by tdog7879
why must the bangaiis aquacultured?
Wild Banggais are nearly extinct, due to overcollecting.
That's right, not overfishing, overcollecting.
This could be the first species that our hobby eradicates from the wild, if people keep buying Wild Caught specimens.

small triggers

Active Member
plus,, its not much more to buy tank raised. I try to buy tank raised everything if possible, just more enviromentaly friendly,, as much as this hobby can be that is, better to do something than nothing.


Originally Posted by florida joe
I have a single Banggai in my tank and he is just fine.

no, he is not just fine, he wants his friends with him.
you can have any schooling fish in a tank alone and it may appear to do well, but it is not as happy as it could or should be.
The way you know this is true is because when you add another one, and they are rarely, if ever apart, you know that they want to be with others of their kind.

florida joe

Well-Known Member
With all due respect I disagree in the case of Banggai. If you were to add two you would have to be sure that they are in male female pairs. Two males can and will fight, even to the death of the weaker one.
Being constantly together may or may not be for enjoyment. One fish may be mimicking to other in its search for food or just prefer the same spot in the aquarium. I will agree that certain fish do better in pairs but I have not read any information stating that a prerequisite for keeping healthy bangaiis is that you must have more then one



Originally Posted by wattsupdoc
Single banger is fine, but please be sure to only buy aquacultured Bangaiis!
The scooter blenie is likely doomed......
can you trade in the scooter and get a second bangaii?


New Member
scooter mcgaven is awesome..Hes my fav fish. Since ive had him he has doubled in size. always eats the mysis and the pods on my rocks! He's the most active fish in my tank and people are always putting down having a scooter.. Would never trade!!