To Cardinal or not too.........

chef jaysen

Does anyone have a Cardinal Fish. Any type. How do they hold up, what do they eat, are they a good addition .......the usual ..thanks:rolleyes: :)

bang guy

I have a few.
Banggai require meaty foods. They are very peaceful except between Male Banggai. I suggest a single or a male/female pair.



bang guy,
this may sound silly, but how can i tell the difference between the male and female? and, have u had any luck having a pair of bangai's and a pair of pj's in the same tank?


Active Member
Have both a PJ and a flame. Love em both. The flame is a big eater. The PJ is kinda timid. Wouldn't have them very aggressive fish.
Good Luck!
I have a flame cardinal that is very active.
He will eat right from my fingers, but always lets the Maroon Clown eat first. He is a little skittish when you walk up to the tank during the day, but at night he is constantly out and about. They are typically much more active at night. Not the most beautiful fish, but very active and eats about anything. Like it was mentioned before, he has a big appetite.
A very interesting fish, good addition if you want a peaceful fish.
Also good if you want a little movement in your tank after the lights go out.