To fish or not to fish... should I?


Active Member
Well, I got my tax refund back.... Over $2,000!!!

I'm debating about whether or not to get back into the hobby using this money, even if I only spend a little and get a nano. I have a pretty demanding job and also have a family at home to spend time with. However, I remember back when we had a tank set-up, my daughter LOVED it, and so did we. We talk about getting a tank every now and then. Now that we have the money, we can do it. But I also want to do the responsible thing and save some money/get ahead on bills.
SOOO..... Should I do it?


Active Member
Originally Posted by YearOfTheNick http:///forum/post/3032738
It's just not the same, RU.... just not the same...
I've tried it already...
but that was a screen saver and only a 15"... dud your stepping up to a 46" you could put some sharks and rays in there!!!


my choice is not up there
hang on to the money just in case anything happens anytime soon with the economy once we are outta this rut then proceed with the tank buying fish flapping fun hahahaha


Active Member
Originally Posted by orion3814
my choice is not up there
hang on to the money just in case anything happens anytime soon with the economy once we are outta this rut then proceed with the tank buying fish flapping fun hahahaha
Considering we are in a consumer economy, that will create a self-fulfilling prophesy....


Active Member
Originally Posted by orion3814
my choice is not up there
hang on to the money just in case anything happens anytime soon with the economy
We live in California. $2 grand lasts a couple weeks here....tops.

Nick, if you enjoy keeping fish, I say keep fish. I would keep it somewhat small, say a 55g and simple stand with t-5 fixture. Used 55s are cheap. Gypsana had a lead on a guy with a great deal on T-5 fixtures out near Grass Valley and there is a reef club near you. Pm me if you're interested.
I'm the last person you want to opine concerning a new TV.


Originally Posted by premilove
instead of setting up a new tank, buy a used setup, save at least 65%+.. save the rest for bills.
Most definitely

If you are going to set up a tank, don't go to a store. Find a used set up. They are so much cheaper.


I agree..about getting a tank...if you live in a big place I am sure you can find most of your equip. used...If you really got that much enjoyment (as we all do too) out of it...then do it.


Active Member
Okay guys, I got the TV. It was such an incredible deal i couldn't pass it up. I got a 42 inch LCD 1080p HDTV at Target. The TV was on clearance and they didn't have any left... so I bought the floor model, which the guy said he set up last week (so it was still fresh out of the box). I paid $490 out the door for it!!!
Everyone is happy... our old TV (although it was a 62 inch) was on it's last leg... every time you went to turn it on, it was like a roll of the dice.... sometimes it worked, sometimes it didn't
I also got the TV mount on the wall and put it above the fireplace... then rearranged everything in the room. It looks really sweet.
I have a 10g tank I'm going to set up. I had my little mantis in it but then sold the mantis back to the LFS. If I can get a 70-watt hqi and some good filtration on it, I think I'd be set. I'm happy to have just a 10g for now. I look at DeMartini's ADA reef and it's only an 18g. I'd like to do something like hers where it has a bunch of ric's and just a few peculas. No, I won't put a hippo tang in there.


Active Member
The best part about this TV is that it has a VGA input - I think we're going to get a mac mini and use it as a DVR... play videos on it with hulu and just pay for internet... no more cable.
It's the way a lot of us Californians are going.