To write or not to write



I have been on this board for a couple of weeks now and I'm finding out I was severely mislead and given extremely bad information from my LFS (all in the name of the dollar is my guess). I was debating on writing a letter to the owner given the details of what I was sold, what I was told to do with it, treatment of my tank, etc. Part of this information was given to me by the owner.
Do you think writing a letter will do anygood? Am I just wasting my time? Should i just get over it? Just curious what you all think?


Active Member
Sometimes a letter will work other times they will not.
Once I wrote a letter to the EPYX software company about a defective product and had a software engineer call and ask about the problem. New software was sent out and also a postage paid envelope so I could return the defective product back to them.
I was highly impressed with the service.


I would write the letter so that they can correct there problem what they are telling people on how to do things. So that someone else does not get the same advice as you. I would be amazed if the lfs does anything for you though. But if you are going to write the letter have hard fact in the letter saying why he was wrong on what he was telling you to do.


I agree with the others I dont think that writitng a letter would due any harm. I'm not sure that it will help as well but it cant hurt maybe some good will come out of it.


Active Member
that all depends on what you are referring to as bad advice, many things we do is not considered proper by lfs's especially those who have been around for years and years, so to write a letter saying this waas bad advice, may be like writing a letter to say they are doing things wrong and they have been doing it for decades, much advice is more out dated than not good and also it is based on opinions which the lfs is entitled to in itself
it is nota s if they told you to put chlorox in the tank to kill some algae, now that is definitely worth writing over, it would be the worst thing you could do, and in no way beneficial or safe


i would write the letter just for the simple fact that it will probley make you feel better , and it will also let the owner know that there is someone out there thats willing to vioce their opinion on the advice that athey gave. they will probley then take a closer look at what they told you and not make the same mistake twice. juat be nice about it . good luck!!!!


Active Member
touche' fshhub !
All depends on what the "bad" advise was that you received from this lfs/owner orwolf77
Clearly bad advise by whose standards ?
Now I am curious <img src="graemlins//confused.gif" border="0" alt="[confused]" />


The only problem with writing is that most likely you can't prove what they said was wrong.. I mean in case you haven't noticed alot of people have different opinions on the same subjects. You can tell them they were wrong and they may tell you you're wrong and are getting bad advice from the web. I would only write if you can live without the lfs. Otherwise do like I do--get everyones opinion- the boards, the books, and the lfs' and then make an educated guess, and hope for the best.
Good Luck


I appreciate everyone's response. Here is some of what I would say is bad advice.
1. Telling me that my tank would easily handle 3 damsels, 1 clown triggerfish, 1 flame angel, 1 purpledottyback and 1 longnose butterfly fish. I have a 30gal (which I got their). Everytime I went in to get fish I told them exactly what I had and the majority of the time I dealt with the owner or manager.
2. My fiance took in a fish when my ick outbreak started that clearly had ick by all descriptions and pictures. They told her it did not have and sold her a bottle of "Cycle" bacteria to help things out.
These are just a few of the things. I know I can't totally blame them. I do take responsibility for everything overall for not getting more information from other sources, but they are supposed to be the "experts".
Thanks again everyone.


honestly i do not think they are going to do anythin. they did give you bad advise, but like they say everywhere, do not beleave everything thta is told to you. find a second third or even a forth oppinion on anything. even on this board there are many different viewpoints about what to do.


Active Member
well, unfortunaltely the stocking is not good advice, but many people think you can stock a sw tank heavily, and the fish only grow to the size of the tank, neither is true, but sending them a letter would only make them think you are goofy, b/c they believe they are right here, maany lfs's do actually believe it, and simply b/c they and others have kept them for more than a couple of weeks like so(but we want years and years0
now the ick thing, if it really were ick(which i don't doubt it was) is definitely a different story, if so, they need ot have their head examined for not even knowing what the devil they were talking about, unfortunately you won't get anywhere, but like said, it may make you feel better, if you do, do so and point out the fact that ick should have been treated with something other than cycle, adn that they should really learn a little about the fish they sell, giving you a clown trigger which gets almost big enough to fill the tank up by itself(and i don't mean load, but volume), jsut to name one, is an improper thing for them to do, no tto mention the other fish like the butterfly, and the angel which really should be put into only mature tanks, i could go on and on, and don't want you to take this as i am trying to telll you you can't do something, but to inform you as to the fact that (as you know) is not really appropriate, especially after you asked them specifically these questions
HTH and good luck


Contact the better business bureau. Writing the owner who knew he was doing something wrong will not solve your problem.


Staff member
Perhaps the owner did not know any better and was just stupid to give such advise.
Write the letter, make it informative, and let him know that such bad-advise will ultimately land him with no returning customers...including you. Tell him that there are top-quality online stores that guarantee their products and, always at considerably less cost to costomers. That he'd best realize that he is in a highly competitive business and that, unless he can offer top notch customer service and vuluable information and support to his customers, that he will likely be out of busincess shortly.


Active Member
Sounds like my LFS..
There are far too many varying opinions in this hobby. You can't say for sure if an opinion is right or wrong. I hate that you have to pay in the end. Many of us have done so. The great thing about a place like this is none of us gain anything by telling you false info. The only thing any of us want to do is help others.
LFS need money to survive and will do anything (just like all business) to make a sell and survive. I do not think that writing a letter will do any good however, they will hurt themselves in the end.
People grow tired of spending money and having their fish die. Once people figure this place out they will stop doing business with them. I say, hit them where it hurts.. The wallet!! Just do not do business with them and let them know why you arn't.
My LFS is much the same as you mention, so, I will not support them. I support those who support me. That is why I like this place and you guys. You help me so I will help you! The same goes for ordering stuff from here. They give a good price and good healthy inverts so I will continue to help them!
Sorry to hear your problem. I've been there myself.


Active Member
The only chance if any for there to be a change at the store is to let them now you are not pleased with what happend. And point out why.


Active Member
Im not saying the letter will have an impact on their operation, but if you tactfully let them know your concerns and let them know that your patronage depends on what they are going to do about your disatisfaction it might. If you let the owner know that you will be taking your buisness elsewhere odds are he/she will take care of your problem. I come from a biz that is all about customer service, and realize that the 10 people that are happy may tell a few people, but the 1 that is unhappy is going to be sure that everyone knows!


I'm curious. What store was it orwolf? I've been to almost every one in the state. Sorry to hear you were mislead, same thing happened to me when I first started. There are a few good stores left, though.

madd catt

That could be {or turn into 1} a touchy subject,i mean the petwarehouse lawsuit if they won,suppose just talking about an lfs here by law in the future they may be able to sue us?hmmm.
I would write the letter but not mail it. That way you can get it off your chest and get on with life. If you have more than one store in your area you are lucky. Don't burn any may need something one day and they will be the only store with any in stock.
Just a thought.