I have been reading and trying to keep up with Tobins ups and downs. I have realized, that for somebody I don't even know, I really like reading about his ups.
Jenny, everybody keeps telling you how strong you are and what an "angel" you are and all that. And I'm sure if your like most women, you brush it off thinking, "Any woman would do this if they had to" or "it's no big deal it's the least I could do" or some thoughts to downplay your actions. So this specific post is for you...
Not every woman would do that. And it's a really big deal. My best friend had cancer (I was 24 at the time), and instead of stepping up and handling it as you are, I went into complete denial. I told her when she got better we would do all this stuff. I joked around with her about how the affects of the chemo made her look "fat". I joked, I made her laugh, we made plans, but... I wasn't there for her. She told me in one conversation that she was scared, and I acted like it was no big deal. The very last time I saw her, I was to scared to talk to her. Her mom said, when I walked into the room silent, "Go on, talk to her, she's still Lori" I smiled and left. Lori was very much a Christian and I was very much not, but her condition led me to pray for the very first time in my life. She woulda been glad to know that, but I didn't tell her. I didn't tell her anything. I was to scared.
So you Jenny, are an incredibly strong person. Way stronger than me and I considered myself to be a fairly strong person. All that you are doing, is not what any woman in your shoes would do.
I assume you are exhausted, frustrated, irritated, and on the edge of your seat.
I will pray for Tobin, but before that I will pray for you. I don't ask God for much, I believe that all of our unfortunate circumstances are a consequence of our own actions, and I never pray to be "bailed out", but this... I don't see how this could be something either one of you caused.
Believe he will recover. Don't just hope it, but believe it. And he needs to do the same.
Sorry for the long post, but your situation is bringing up all kinds of memories for me.