tobin/seasalts recovery



Hey, you tell him my scar from my liver resection last Feb will give his a run for it's!!! He really did look great in that upper picture Jenny. Tell him I'm wishing him a speedy, uneventful recovery, okay? Blessings!

darthtang aw

Active Member
Next time you see him, tell him the tang wanted to let him KNOW The polls show Hillary ahead of Guilliani and projected to win the election if he doesn't vote. I bet he gets better quick. Your in my prayers and tell him to keep fighting.


While I have never met or talked (typed) to either of you I felt compelled read and to post(I hope you are not offended by my reading), because i understand what you are going through. Somthing similar happend to a family member of mine i was very close to. I would just like to say Jenny admit it or not you are seriously a true angel amongst men. For the two of you to go through what you are with unsupportive family is really unimaginable to most people. Most would have been gone, I've seen it happen. I would only hope that man knows how lucky he is, (from what i read he clearly does) And i pray that you two have long and happy lives together.
P.S. you already know it wouldn't be like that or you wouldn't be there.
Sometimes you just gotta say ---- it! What does being scared really get you?


I have been reading and trying to keep up with Tobins ups and downs. I have realized, that for somebody I don't even know, I really like reading about his ups.
Jenny, everybody keeps telling you how strong you are and what an "angel" you are and all that. And I'm sure if your like most women, you brush it off thinking, "Any woman would do this if they had to" or "it's no big deal it's the least I could do" or some thoughts to downplay your actions. So this specific post is for you...
Not every woman would do that. And it's a really big deal. My best friend had cancer (I was 24 at the time), and instead of stepping up and handling it as you are, I went into complete denial. I told her when she got better we would do all this stuff. I joked around with her about how the affects of the chemo made her look "fat". I joked, I made her laugh, we made plans, but... I wasn't there for her. She told me in one conversation that she was scared, and I acted like it was no big deal. The very last time I saw her, I was to scared to talk to her. Her mom said, when I walked into the room silent, "Go on, talk to her, she's still Lori" I smiled and left. Lori was very much a Christian and I was very much not, but her condition led me to pray for the very first time in my life. She woulda been glad to know that, but I didn't tell her. I didn't tell her anything. I was to scared.
So you Jenny, are an incredibly strong person. Way stronger than me and I considered myself to be a fairly strong person. All that you are doing, is not what any woman in your shoes would do.
I assume you are exhausted, frustrated, irritated, and on the edge of your seat.
I will pray for Tobin, but before that I will pray for you. I don't ask God for much, I believe that all of our unfortunate circumstances are a consequence of our own actions, and I never pray to be "bailed out", but this... I don't see how this could be something either one of you caused.
Believe he will recover. Don't just hope it, but believe it. And he needs to do the same.
Sorry for the long post, but your situation is bringing up all kinds of memories for me.


Active Member
Thank you for your kind words i'm trying to type through the tears, i've done alot of that lately .Tobin is worth it though.I know he is a little brash and sometimes he can be very hard to get along with . Tobin was mine and my ex husbands best friend .when i found out that my ex was touching my daughters every friend i/we had dumped me i had no one but tobin was there for me and stuk it out , he was my rock, still is .there are days right now that i don't wanna drag myself out of bed .my father is a preacher and a hospice chaplain , as you can imagine that has been a great help for me emotionally .i still get freaked out by some of this and if i told you i didnt think about saying

it all and run away i would be lying through my teeth. but when i have those thoughts i just hide in the bathroom and cry/pray for awhile and God will remind me that he was there for me (when nobody else except my parents was) i feel a little weird when people say that i'm strong though because i am a manic depressive and strong is not a word i would ever use to describe myself. but i believe that god puts us where he does for a reason , for tobin to be there for me when i had no one and for me to take care of him right now when he has no one and needs it the most. i really appreciate all of you being here for him because his friends all 'ran away ' when they found out people do get scared when someone has cancer and 'running away' from something you are afraid of is normal fight or flight ya know. my 'tobeaner' stayed and fought with me and i will stay and fight with him. speaking of which i'm done rambling cause i gotta go to the hospital and visit love ya'll...jenny


Active Member
Originally Posted by jennythebugg
i really appreciate all of you being here for him
Don't forget, we're here for you both. Not just one or the other.

I, for one, feel honored that you would share such an intimate time in your lives with us. You truly are strong. Tobin is looking great and I find that I can't wait to see if there is more progress to read about. Thank you for letting us share in your pain and joy of recovery.


Active Member
one step forward two steps back tobin got the i.v in his groin and the suction bulb thing removed today but he may be getting pneumonia. i got a visit from his oncologist today and he said they will still be doing the bone marrow transplant...jenny


Originally Posted by jennythebugg
one step forward two steps back tobin got the i.v in his groin and the suction bulb thing removed today but he may be getting pneumonia. i got a visit from his oncologist today and he said they will still be doing the bone marrow transplant...jenny
My older son is going to school to be a respiratory therapist and will graduate in June. I think I told you this before when Tobin had the last lung problem. Anyway, I am so proud of him and his need to help patients get their lungs back in order after surgeries and such. It's a very important step to recovery cuz pneumonia can set in so easily when bed ridden. I'm certain they'll get him back in shape for the bone marrow transplant. Did he have his own harvested? Or, are they using a donor? I pray this will be his answer! Take care Jenny and just to let you know, we found out Friday that my younger son is finally cancer free from his papillary thyroid cancer...........yay!!!


Active Member
Originally Posted by jennythebugg
tobin got the i.v in his groin and the suction bulb thing removed today
OK that just does not sound right..........

Jenny I have been reading along but I have not had the slightest idea of what to say to you. Keep us informed and give him my best. Although he really should put some clothes on......


Active Member
there was a drain tube in his abdomen with a bulb type thing on the end that sucked the fluids out of his abdomen and they removed it , i got woozy at something gross for the first time in my life and almost passed out there was like a foot of tube in there that the nurse pulled out -yuk !
here is a pic from today - he is not feeling so good right now


Active Member
I have never met you guys or even heard your voice. I would and do think of you guys as friends. I won't run away, you and tobs know this, I am like Chucky. I'll be your friend 'till the end! Tell tob I am not done praying for you guys!


Tizzo...I think that was awesome for you to admit.....Jenny always remember you are never alone especially in this time of need....
I noticed
that during the low periods of my life,
when I was suffering from
anguish, sorrow or defeat,
I could see only one set of footprints.
So I said to the Lord,
“You promised me Lord,
that if I followed you,
you would walk with me always.
But I have noticed that during the most trying periods of my life
there have only been one set of footprints in the sand.
Why, when I needed you most, you have not been there for me?”
The Lord replied,
“The times when you have seen only one set of footprints in the sand,
is when I carried you.”
Keep the updates comming good or bad. As much as you want to take care of him, please make sure you are taking care of yourself as well you are just as important as he is.


Active Member
the good news is he does not have pneumonia the bad news is he is disoriented and they dont know why yet. he did fine for a couple of days and now he is talking gibberish and acting wild before i got there this morning he had pulled out the pic line going to his heart and fell on the floor trying to get out of the bed at the bottom of the bed?? i freaked out when i got there because he was covered in blood from that line and they had sedated him and tied him back down so i helped clean him up ill post more when i find out whats going on, until then here is his pic from today ...jenny


Jenny -
What pain meds is he on? My Dad was disoriented when he had his lung removed....the drugs totally messed with him. Dad was talking total garbage, trying to get out of bed - he liked the other bed better - swore he had peanut butter stuck to the top of his name it - he saw it and said it....
The took all the narcotics away and it went away within a few days....
I hope his recovery is speedy for you both......stay strong -


Active Member
I wouldn't worry too much bout the disorientation. When I was down with the broken hip/pelvis/wrist/ankle (and a partrage in a pear tree) They had removed me from ICU and had to put me back after a couple days for kinda the same reason. I think maybe they get so much of the juice in your blood stream at times it kinda of lingers and hits you again when you least expect it.
It took me a couple weeks before I was finished playing rice paper oragami with the sand fleas. (My wife had came into the room and asked me what I was doing because I was sorta zoning out and thats what I told her. You have some interesting dreams when on heavy pain meds.


Active Member
my grandma was "selling flowers from a flower cart in a funeral home"
After they took her off the pain meds and switched to something else ,she was lucid again after a few days. Some of those meds are wicked and I think they build up in your system.
I am glad to hear he doesn't have pneumonia.


Well-Known Member
I don't think that his reaction is unusual. When my mom had bypass surgery, she woke up at 3 am and decided that they were trying to kill her. She pull out all of her lines and refused to allow anyone in her room (since they were all trying to kill her). They called my brother, a surgeon, and he came and managed to calm her enough so that they could sedate her, and she was fine a day later. My brother said that patients often see snakes, bugs on the walls, etc. during this difficult phase. It too shall pass.


Active Member
Originally Posted by GeriDoc
I don't think that his reaction is unusual. When my mom had bypass surgery, she woke up at 3 am and decided that they were trying to kill her. She pull out all of her lines and refused to allow anyone in her room (since they were all trying to kill her). They called my brother, a surgeon, and he came and managed to calm her enough so that they could sedate her, and she was fine a day later. My brother said that patients often see snakes, bugs on the walls, etc. during this difficult phase. It too shall pass.
My future father inlaw, saw his wallpaper turn into spiders, and snakes. Kind of creepy, are yall in the DFW area still? If you are, I can call my folks church, I'm sure they would be happen to get you a home cooked meal and stuff.