TONS of Pulsing Xenia frags in Buffalo, NY- want to trade...


My pulsing xenia has gone nuts in my tank-- i started about 4 months ago with a small rock with 4 stalks, i now have about 50 stalks in my tank! i have several small rocks and shells with about 3 - 5 xenia stalks on them, and would like to trade- not really wanting to ship them, but would be interested in trading locally....
anyone interested, post back, or email me at
I am willing to travel up to about 1-2 hrs for trading....


how far are you from kingston? or poughkeepsie?
i may be willing to buy whatever u want to trade for a fair price
thank you


I am in erie PA I would be willing to meet you halfway. It would be about a 45 minute drive to the meet for each of us. What are you looking for?? I have a medium sized umbrella mushroom that I would like to trade or if you have some xenia on a nice piece of LR I have a tonga mushroom and a rogue anemoe on a piece of LR that is very nice. Weighs about 2 lbs. Lemme know.
I am also sending someone a frag of a trumpet on monday comming up. If in the breaking process I get more than one I would trade that as well maybe.


I'm in Rochester and I am interested in getting some Xenia. We've got a yellow leather (sarcophyton elegans) that I am ready to try propogating if you're interested in that. We have two, so I'm feeling confident enough to cut into one of 'em (my only experience so far was starting the second from a side-kick, but they're both huge now). Only problem is that I haven't convinced my husband that we can do it. If you're interested, Xenia might be enough to tempt him. It would take a couple weeks to do the propogation... We also have some pimpled mushrooms that are growing out of control (for that I only have to convince my clown fish that they can let a couple go - they've adopted them, but it's a big group now).
Let me know if you're interested in either.
Bang Guy....where are you in western NY? I grew up in Limestone, and went to nursing school at Millard in Buffalo.
Am back that way once a year for family reunion, usually in August or September.


Sorry- have been busy with the baby (she's doing wonderful!) and haven't been on in ages... the xenias have been setup for a trade with my LFS and I will post again when i have more....

bang guy


Originally posted by Heavenly Damsel
Bang Guy....where are you in western NY?

I'm in Warsaw, it's about an hour ESE of Buffalo.

bang guy

I would gladly trade some Red Sea Xenia for a hunk of that Sarcophyton. I'm occationally in Rochester so I could come to you to do the trade.
Let me know


New Member
I would be interested in some frags, would you consider shipping I live in missouri zip 65803, do you think it would be possible?


Red Sea Xenia would be great. I will post back or email you when the frags are ready to go (I'll probably do the cutting tomorrow so it will be at least a week).
I can also come to Warsaw (kove to see your refugium!). Either way will work for me.
- Kathy

bang guy


Originally posted by sprkcs
I would be interested in some frags, would you consider shipping I live in missouri zip 65803, do you think it would be possible?

I would be happy to ship Xenia frags to you but unfortunately they don't ship very well at all.


New Member
Hey Bang Guy, I also am in Warsaw. I am just in the planning stages of my reef. Perhaps we can get together sometime.
Do either of you know where Ray's Radiator shop is? That is my Uncle Ray and Aunt Charlotte. They have been in Warsaw all their adult lives.

bang guy

Windstalker! Hi :D I didn't know anyone else in Warsaw was crazy enough to keep a reef! We'll have to get together (beer?) to discuss your pending obsession.. ummm I mean reef!
WOW! This is exciting!!!! e-mail me at We have to set something up
Heavenly - I know the Ess's! My dad and Donny were pals.. :(
Ray's a great guy! We have all our service done at his shop.