too much flow for coral???


this is my new anenome and im wondering how it should be positioned? do i have too much water flow, is that why at times it seems upright or should its limbs be layed down towards the sand??? this pic has it pushed up is it coming for food whats normal? i just wanna make sure i dont have too much water flow?

jb rekit

I would say he is probably ok. More flow will take more food to him and help blow away the waste. Also if it was too much he would probably move by himself or just get blown away to someplace more desireable to him.


Active Member

Originally posted by roggy23
ok cuz at one point he sprouted even higher which i guess is normal i dunno.

the two anemones I have do all kinds of things, sprout up, down, all around. they never move though. I kinda think of it as a way to stretch their wings. If its unhappy don't worry u will see im cruisin around.


are we really not supposed to touch the tentacle on these anenomes cuzi read they are poisonous and can cause injury or death??? is it that serios were i wouldnt be able to brush up agianst it when cleaning the glass??

bang guy

It's not going to harm you unless you're allergic to the nematocysts. Allergic reactions do happen but it's not common.
You Anemone looks severly bleached. Do you have enough light for it? You'll need to feed it extra helpings for a while until it gets it's zooxanthellae back.