Too much flow for my lil fish?


I have a 12 gal JBJ delux nano tank. I did a few mods.. Took out the stock pump and put in a maxi-jet 900 as well as put a Hydor FLO on there for the output. Right now I have about a 2 inch percula clown in there. Everywhere that the little guy swims it seems like he is fighting a strong current. The crabs and snails and such dont seem to have a hard time but I was just wondering if this might be bad, or eventually stress the little guy or any other new fish out? Thank you!


I put in a maxi-jet 900 in my jbj 12 gallon and had the same experience... my yellow clown goby practically flew through the tank. I've downgraded my powerhead, but now I think it's too low, so if I can figure out how I'm going to try to add the stock one and keep the 2 of them going. If you have any ideas on how to put it in, feel free to let me know. I'm not good at this modification thing!


Active Member
I agree with Guy and you shouldn't have to worry about any new fish... because with a clown in a 12g I wouldn't add anything else.


Active Member
Too much flow?
No such thing......unless your fish are pressed up against the glass.


If you have ever been out in the ocean snorkelling or diving, you'll know that what they are saying is true. I have been blown around like mad before. Back and forth towards, along, and away from those sharp rocks. I look at my tank and think my fish are going to get fat from no exercise.


JeremyGlen - Thats a great way to put it. When I went snorkiling in Mulikini (underwater valcano off the island of Maui) the current was pretty strong. You would look and see the fish fly along without even swimming.
Man.. if I get this worried about a fish, imagine how I will be with kids.
If you are really worried about it, you can get the replacement dual nozzle.
That is what I was thinking of doing for mine (I just ordered a Maxi Jet 900).