ive fed the blue carpet a couple times, some krill he seems to like it...and it may be my mistake about the water at the store, they may just bring it in naturally. that would make more sense. i havent fed the rose...what can i feed him...i have two marron clowns one that is about 6in and another that is about 3in my other levels are normal sal 1.025, amonia 0 nitrites are a little above but i assume thats due to the nitrates.
i thought the meter for wattage was 5w /gal im only missing 15 watts....how coudl i not have enough light?
i also have a 2 x 21 pc t5 sitting aorund should i put that up as well?
I also have a peice of multirock with like 7 diff polyps on it, xenia, etc...they look great and i have this hard coral im not sure what its called acroporia i think its like a hard plate and its green on the top its real pretty heres a pic actually. wel after not figuriong out how to put a pic down ill post it later, im going to do a change tomm ill let u know what happens...tahnks a lot