Too much light?


my tank is 55 gal and i have 4 x 65 watt lights i was just unsure if maybe i could be over lighting my corals and anemone's. Rose Anemone, Blue Carpet Anemone


Active Member
I dont think thats too much. Are you asking because theres a problem?
Blue Carpet...Cool, Like to see a pic.


at times my rose looks weak the tentacles turn black and working on some right now shoudl be up soon.... and the blue carpet at times flattens out against the sand as if it were trying to escape the light...get fartehr i have basically immobalized it let me nkow....thanks


Active Member
How long have you had them? It seems more likely that they aren't getting enough light.


Active Member
How old are your lamps/ PCs should be changed about every 10 months or so. Did you just get the lights or the anemones? I think maybe not enough light. Bubbles and carpets like strong light. Are you testing the water. Dont mean to sound like your a newb but give all the imfo and specs that you can. What kind of corals do you have and how are they lookin?


I am actually a newb...i havent tested the water since my last water change a week ago, both the anemones are less than two weeks old adn the lights arent a month old. the rose is at the higest spot in the tank, closest to the lights that is, and the carpet's foot is buried in my sand, ill have some pics up soon. Im going to test the water right now adn write back my findings.


My nitrates are through the roof, I hope i havent lost my rose, im going to do a water change tommorow afternoon hope she makes it.


I would do a 20% change today, then another one in 2 days. Then maybe repeat the water change 3 days after that.
Are you using RO water or tap?


i use store water...bought from the store mixed at the store...and Distilled water to replace evaporated water. I have to change all this water basically? Within the next five days? Change my water three times? Thats a lot isnt it? wont that seriously disturb my tank? Im kind of helpless here..sorry....i appreciate the help though..


Active Member
How long has the tank been set up? What are your other levels. as Dog said, anenomes need alot of light, more that what you have.


Active Member
Funny a store in Miami mixes water. Most sell natural sea water. You should test the store water befor putting it in your tank. Have you been trying to feed the anemones any and have they been eating ? What kind of corals do you have and how do they look ? Over feeding and rotting food can lead to high nitrates.


ive fed the blue carpet a couple times, some krill he seems to like it...and it may be my mistake about the water at the store, they may just bring it in naturally. that would make more sense. i havent fed the rose...what can i feed him...i have two marron clowns one that is about 6in and another that is about 3in my other levels are normal sal 1.025, amonia 0 nitrites are a little above but i assume thats due to the nitrates.
i thought the meter for wattage was 5w /gal im only missing 15 coudl i not have enough light?
i also have a 2 x 21 pc t5 sitting aorund should i put that up as well?
I also have a peice of multirock with like 7 diff polyps on it, xenia, etc...they look great and i have this hard coral im not sure what its called acroporia i think its like a hard plate and its green on the top its real pretty heres a pic actually. wel after not figuriong out how to put a pic down ill post it later, im going to do a change tomm ill let u know what happens...tahnks a lot


Originally Posted by jewban
i use store water...bought from the store mixed at the store...and Distilled water to replace evaporated water. I have to change all this water basically? Within the next five days? Change my water three times? Thats a lot isnt it? wont that seriously disturb my tank? Im kind of helpless here..sorry....i appreciate the help though..

Serious situations results in serious reactions. I had a nitrate spike like you did before and that's exactly how I fixed the problem. It may seem like a lot but it really isn't.