Took Delivery of my 210 Tank/Stand!!


New Member
The plan is for a reef...but some of the stock list that I like is not reef I am going to set it up as a reef and go from there. I have a 55 and a 29 that I can move some fish around in. I just have to decide what I want where. So far I have only done fowlr, so I am not sure if I want to start off with corals in such a large tank. Right now I am stressing about wether or not I will need a chiller. My house stays around 70-74 but with 3x250 MH plus some actinic flourescent bulbs I'm afraid I will have to get a chiller. I just placed my order for a custom Lifereefugium II with Jeff today...should be here around mid July. The tank was purchased at Austin Aquatic Innovations in Austin. They took Austin Aquariums old store, and I purchased it at the grand opening sale....Just under 2000 for the tank and stand...trying to stay under 6000 total. Fortunately I have a very loving wife that spends a fair amount of money on our dogs (just got a new puppy) so she lets me spend some on my tanks!!....TXReef..I have a good buddy that works in Temple....I'll look ya up next time I come up that way...


Great start to a dream aquarium, when you get things flowing. I'm going to want to come & visit you & your tropical paradise

I'll bring the beer and B.B.Q.

Texas grows the best


hey rmiller
can you tell me about your custom refuge because i'll be getting a 220g very soon now. Also what is the dimension on you 210


New Member
tboy, The custom system that I ordered is available from Jeff at like it because it has everything that I need. Being new to reef systems and large tanks in general, I felt that it would be prudent to have a whole sump/refugium system designed for me. Check out its called the Lifereefugium II. It has the sump, refugium light, manifold, skimmer and pumps. The only drawback is that I planned to have a top-off tank in the stand. The system is 65 inches long so that is out now... The tank is 72 X 24 X 29 guess its back to hauling water! If its not against the rules, Ill post a pic of the system....of course it belongs to


Active Member
when you're ready to move up from your 210, give me a call and i'll come pick it up. lol nice tank!
Originally Posted by rmiller429 pretty excited.....I started with a 29, moved up to a 55, then this'm sure I will have plenty of questions....I'm kind of dissapointed because It got damaged when they were bringing it they have to touch up the canopy a bit..I'll make sure I post plenty of pictures..


thank you ryan, the site is everything we need for our reef tank.
did you order everything there such like your reefrefuguim II, protein skimmer, pumps, etc., and if you don't mind let me ask how much did you paid for everything?


New Member
Tboy, The system includes all of the above. Thats why I am so excited about it. I am a fanatic about research however there is not much out there about lifereef products. I promise to post some definitive reviews when I get the system all setup. The base price is 1469 I believe. It is listed in the prices tab at the top. I added the canister filters and an upgraded skimmer and pump. I upgraded the skimmer because I happen to be blessed with a little more room under the tank. I had to change my light order because my lfs ordered the regular light setup instead of the retrofit kit...saying that It would be ok. I think I am going to have heat problems as it is.....didn't want to chance it. Unfortunately the 72" retrofit that I like only came in a 3x150 MH setup...but I still think that will be plenty.....lights and chiller are on the way...I'll post more pics when they arrive!!


hey ryan
having hear from you a while. how is your system now, anything new. I be expect my tank to be here on this coming tuesday. Can't wait. let me know when you get your refuguim. I proberly will order my fuge over there too.
keep posting.


New Member
Sorry for the delay in posting, the canopy was out for repair and its on its way back as we speak. The sump/refugium combo will ship on tuesday, so things should start moving faster now..


Originally Posted by rmiller429 pretty excited.....I started with a 29, moved up to a 55, then this'm sure I will have plenty of questions....I'm kind of dissapointed because It got damaged when they were bringing it they have to touch up the canopy a bit..I'll make sure I post plenty of pictures..
Hahaha, from a 10 to a 30 to a 90 for me! Congrats, your tank & stand are absolutely beautiful, it's going to be an awesome reef


finally, just took my deliver today. The last picture is my cold water line and my drain line for water change and they both under my cabinet. One thing I just start worrie about now is it take a little of my space under my cabinet.



Oh yeah. BTW, funny story. I order my tank in cherry but it came with black stand and cherry canopy. My lfs offer me 10% off if I get in black and black look nice too so i took their offer and save $250 which I can use later for lifereefuguim II.


New Member
I received my delivery from Lifereef yesterday...I would have taken pictures, but I was much too busy unpacking! The sump/refugium system showed up in 4 large boxes. The packing was excellent and everything arrived in pristine shape. I must say that Jeff did an exceptional job with my system. The acrylic work was outstanding. The system comes with a good instruction manual and assembly was fairly straight forward. I am not a plumber so it took some time to get it all figured out. Its a really neat system and I am very impressed. I got it all hooked up and am testing with fresh water now! So without further ado, here is some pics:
