top down picture contest !AWARD!


Active Member
since i can not vote for myself i will vote for fisniness's first picture it looks nice and has nice contrast


Active Member
I know it's to late for the contest but I just had to post these somewhere, I earned that.
My pics wouldn't have even been in the running anyway. These pics were really hard for me to get, I must've taken 200 pics and got 4 halfway okay ones. Just look how scared my squareback anthias got from all the flashing/swearing.(I think he's trying to hide behind my dalmation linkia!!) NOTE: I realize I'm NOT entering the contest!!



Active Member
i am goign to ahve to vote for murph.
there arent a lot of people on the bored that can compete with his camer and 20000K lights
just kidding, of course the photographer andaquarium owner do play a huge role :joy: ***)
sweet pics


Active Member
actually they are 14K lights with no actinics and i use a cheapy 3.1 megapixel olympus i bought over 2 years ago lol but thanks for the vote


Active Member
well excellent photography skills none the less. i still beleive that there are very few people here who can compete with the pictures you produce :happyfish
and sorry if i sounded rude. i was completly kidding ***)


Active Member
i know lol ur too nice to be rude so i wasnt being mean sorry about that lol i just wanted to make sure people didnt think i photo shopped the heck outta them lol

ur pics have come along way too....
i guess thats what happens after takin thousands of pics u kinda learn how to capture them better
good luck everyone!


Active Member
Originally Posted by murph145
i know lol ur too nice to be rude so i wasnt being mean sorry about that lol i just wanted to make sure people didnt think i photo shopped the heck outta them lol

ur pics have come along way too....
i guess thats what happens after takin thousands of pics u kinda learn how to capture them better
good luck everyone!
and i didnt think you were being mean. but the response could have been said both ways and i read mine again and thought the same thing. so i just wanted to make sure there wasnt any missunderstanding is all