It sounds like this will be your first tank so make sure you do a lot of research before deciding.
If I were to start up a new tank that size (i already have a 155 bow front agreesive fish only tank)
I would get 2 inches of live sand as my bed (crushed coral is a lot more work and a lot less filtration)
and a refugium with bioballs rated for around 180 gallons.
A mag drive or similar pump that runs about 1000 gph as a return pump (i have an iwaki but its too loud).
If you dont have the tank predrilled get a cpr overflow rated higher than your pump so u dont have to limit your pump. (its nice and quiet and looks good)
Live rock is awsome but costs ya more----if not a cauliflower coral or the type as decoration and places for ur fish to hide is necessary.
I would buy an in sump downdraft skimmer rated for 150 gallons. (get the ETSS if you can afford it---if not any kind of skimmer works about the same)
and power compact lites with half blu accitinic bulbs and half white bulbs
email me if you need more help...good luck