Top This Slothy!


Active Member
i have a dumb snail who decided to cling himself onto my floating thermometer. so now he is stuck at the top of the thermometer in the middle of my tank. the thermometer is on the sand. and he is on top of it and cant go anywhere. if he slides down the side he will put too much weight on the side and will flip and he cant turn himself right side up so he will die. so beat that. im leaving him alone because i wanna see how he gets outta this one. he's standing on the very top of it. if only i had a camera.


LOL! My snails use the hermit crabs as taxi's. They well get on the hermit crabs shell and hang on for a ride around the tank. :D


what do u mean by floating thermoter ?? if it is galss and breaks u could have a real problem on your hands , if it is plastic then u prob will be ok


Maybe from retarded snails flipping it over. I'm glad I'm not the only "challenged pet" keeper. (note the location of the quotation marks please)


Active Member
One of my snails climbed on my thermometer while it was probably in the corner then I looked in my tank and I saw my snail just floating around on top the thermometer, I hung around and watched to see how he got off, then he just fell off, looked kinda funny to see him floating around though.


Active Member
i cant.. my crack head snail sucked him/her/its self to snail heaven...
but after that i felt bad and put a screen around it so no more snail deaths via powerhead...

bang guy

I can top that :D
This snail crawled just a little too slowly through the Xenia patch. A piece of Xenia attached to it and now it's dangling with nowhere to go:


Gee my snails are not nearly as entertaining. I still don't have the heart to feed one to my mantis shrimp though. I keep thinking it would be interesting to see. Maybe someone should send me a knucklehead. (jk)

bang guy

Hey Sandy - Try a Littleneck Clam. It's just as entertaining. If the Mantis is still small you might have to help a little by cracking the shell.
Slick - Right... It's a Snail Shell :confused: LOL
I believe it's a Horse Conch.


!! My queen conch took a stroll through one of the mushroom rocks sometime today and did the same thing! The mushroom fell off however when she got into a tussle with one of the larger hermit crabs over who has the rights to that shell. I've been noticing them propogating awfully regularly lately, and I think I just figured out why. I'm used to them falling off, but not used to them falling off and ending up on the other side of the tank within a couple of hours.