Topic of the Month:refugiums

nm reef

Active Member
I believe one of the best and most beneficial additions to my humble lil reef has been a refugium...starting with the 10 gal rubbermaid origional version ... right up to the current 55 gal version which once was my display. Mine has slowly evolved into a display all on its own...actually containing livestock and a few corals...much different than the mainline concept of a "refugium"...I refer to mine as a "supplimental filtration system" instead of the more common "refugium".But...the principle remains the same....I have dramatically increased the overall wate volume...I have a remote DSB and about 75-80 additional lbs of LR...I culture and cultivate macro algaes for excess nutrient export...and I encourage the populations of copepods/mysis that eventually replenish the populations in my display. Unlike conventional refugiums I may have a couple of predators that feed on copepods etc...but.....there is still a thriving population.I currently keep a medium sized maroon clown...a pistol shrimp...a recently added small orange spot goby (that I hope will take up with the pistol)...a brittle star that I've had for over 4 years now...and a few crabs/ large populations of asterina stars...pods....worms....sponges...tunicates...dusters.....thriving populations that don't seem adversely affected by the larger species. I maintain a relatively low flow rate...about 600 gph that comes from my pacific coast CL650 chiller via a magdrive 1200. The refugium returns to my sump via a LifeReef slimeline overflow...Lighting is on a reverse schedule from my display and consists of 4x65 watts of 10K PC's & a single 40 watt actinic lamp.
True...the primary purpose of a refugium is to provide a safe harbor for assorted plants & organisms that would normally be consumed in a display. But even with predators my refugium seems to adaquately serve that purpose. Even the cultivation of macro algaes remains effective with the assorted fish/crabs/snails and the brittle. Normally I remove several hands full of primarily chaeto on a monthly basis. I also have a few other types of macro but since adding the chaeto the others are much less in quanity.
Bottom line is I believe a well established and maintained refugium...or in my case a supplimental filtrtion system...can be a very beneficial addition....I rate mine right up there with lighting/circualtion/skimmer.
Check out the pics I took just yesterday.....first is a look at some of the sponge growth...I have numerous colonies of this type sponge thru out the LR structures.

nm reef

Active Member
Another pic showing the sponge on the bottom far left of my 55 gal refugium...along with the maroon clown....which was purchased from a lady leaving the state several months ago.....I didn't want it in my display and I've never seriously considered selling he has become a permanent resident of the "supplimental filtration system"...besides he is a beautiful speciman and very interesting to watch. So far he hasn't seemed to have a bad effect on the overall performance of my refugium so I don't see the harm in keeping him.

nm reef

Active Member
This is a example of the chaeto I cultivate and harvest. This is currently one of the largest pieces I have......lately it seems the growth rate has slowed considerably...which in my mind indicates there is a limited amount of available nutrients for their growth which is a good thing and indicates to me that the performance of my refugium is effective in controlling excessive nutrients.

nm reef

Active Member
Another view....this is more towards the middle...if you look close you'll see an assotment of one of the caves under the LR is where my goby lives and the brittle star in usually hidden in the LR...most times only a single arm or two partially exposed.


Active Member
Nice Nm!

hey i am starting a refugium with some chaeto and mostly a DSB, did you have to stabalize the 10 gallon container when you had it to keep it from bending?

nm reef

Active Member
The last refugium...or supplimental filtration I have for now is another peek at the resident clown......

nm reef

Active Member
I'm sure several of you maintain refugiums of assorted sizes and designs....mine isn't the standard....but it has proven to be effective...and I'm confident many of you can provide additional information and experiences. I just thought a lively discussion on the merits of a well as the diversity they can provide....would be a good topic to focus on......


Active Member
Nice Nm!
hey i am starting a refugium with some chaeto and mostly a DSB, did you have to stabalize the 10 gallon container when you had it to keep it from bending?

nm reef

Active Member
Originally Posted by CELACANTHr
Nice Nm!

hey i am starting a refugium with some chaeto and mostly a DSB, did you have to stabalize the 10 gallon container when you had it to keep it from bending?

If you mean the rubbermains tendacy to bulge/bow....yup....I used a couple of measures to maintain the shape. I installed a couple of cross members on the top......and at one point used rope...yup help hold its shape. Now I have a 55 gal tank so that issue doesn't affect me much.........

nm reef

Active Member

Six of one and half a dozen of the other....each effectively helped maintain the shape of the rubbermaid....probably most effective was the cross members....silicone coated threaded rods that were adjusted to keep the top of the containers from spreading...the rope was used to cinch around the middle section....... :thinking:


I just siliconed my 125 gal sump fuge and looking for ideas to fill it. This is a great thread to view all rufugiums.
Thank for starting this thread , its just what I needed, you answered a lot of questions


Active Member
Originally Posted by CELACANTHr
Nice Nm!
hey i am starting a refugium with some chaeto and mostly a DSB, did you have to stabalize the 10 gallon container when you had it to keep it from bending?
I use Duct tape, (not the cheap kind) and wrap it around the rubber maid a few times.
I make water in the 32 gallon one, and the duct tape really does control the bowing...
Just make sure you squeeze the sides in first before putting on the duct tape...Go around it and make sure you overlap the duct tape again.
You could also wrap it like a bow on a present, but I think 10 gals shouldn't have to many problems.


For all those with nano tanks and limited space for a refugium, here is an AC500 that I turned into a refug.


Awesome thread NM!! Could you maybe post some full refugium pics along with your light setup? Also, I would like to have one for my nano but I'm sort of confused about the pods and placement situation. Meaning, I hear how a lot of fuges are gravity fed so not to grind up the pods in the pump, but how do I do that when there is no place to put it but directly underneath? Any suggestions on this? Does that AC500 hang on the back? :notsure:


Yes it hangs on the back. I replaced my wisper 20 with it, and since then my tank has been much cleaner and I see tons of pods all over the glass.