Topic of the Month:refugiums

nm reef

Active Member
marco...the input is much appreciated but for the sake of being able to view the thread easier is it possible to downsize those pics?


Active Member
I also just ifnished my mod of a AC110/500 for use as a fugium. I have an extra baffle in mine as compared to the above pics from whatI can tell so I have a well into which my heater goes, as well as haivng a given space in that well for a filter pad if need be or a place to hang some charcoal etc.
I also made a new lid for the AC110/500 fugium, which also provided a place to mount a 7/9 watt PC light fixture , and also as a means to allow my heater to be adjusted without having to take the lid off.


sorry about the pic's size but i cant figure out how to resize them. Can someone do it for me?
hey thanks so much for resizing them


Active Member
What kind of lighting is that on the hang on refuge?? Special bulbs in there at all?
Also, it looks as though that may be the only filter you rin, is this correct?
I have 16 reef set-up that I have always been interested in doing a hang on fuge for but do not have the room unless I remove my current hang on bio-wheel filter since the skimmer is on the back as well. Very intimidated by doing a fuge- any advice and details about your set-up would be greatly appreciated. :thinking:


I use the azoo 7w light. It is the only filter I have on the tank. The chaeto/lr/miracle mud or sand, acts as a natural remover and takes the place of carbon or other chemical removers.


Active Member
Thanks for your speedy reply. And does the Aqua Clear come with the divider or did you cut that yourself out of plexi?


Originally Posted by fishmamma
Thanks for your speedy reply. And does the Aqua Clear come with the divider or did you cut that yourself out of plexi?

That divider comes with the filter. Its part of the filter that holds the carbon and sponge. It has some holes in it that I had to glue thin plastic over. I used aquarium sealent at first to glue it, but that dosn't work. Use superglue gel


Here is a picture of my 6 gallon fuge. I have an egg crate dividing the plants and rock from the pump, so that the plants dont get the pump all jammed up. I have a few types of different micro, but i dont think i have any chaeto. Once i get my 120 gallon tank i will probably have a 55 gallon fuge. I have lots of pods and a few bristles.


I will try to get pictures of mine. Mine is a 30gal sump/refugium combination that was custom built to my specs out of acrylic. It has mineral mud as substrate and a layer of rubble live rock (broke bits of live rock).
I have several species of macro algae that include Culurpa, Cheaetamorpha, Gracilaria, and Rhodamedia. A good representation of green and red algae. I have tried Padina, but brown algae doesn't seem to grow well.
I have various turnicates, including some very colorful pink incrusting form. I have a thriving pod population. A lot of cap snails. I placed a few hermits and snails down there as cleaners. A lot of the smaller feather duster polycheat worms.
One thing I tried to see if it would work was putting male and female peppermint shrimp in there. My idea was to but spawn shrimp in there to provide natural zooplankton to the tank. This has work so well, I have a lot of them survive into the mysis stage.
Overall, this has worked well for me as I have not had any nitrates showing for over a year and I have a healthly pod population in the tank.


Active Member
Originally Posted by CELACANTHr
Hey, promisetbg is that a male janns pipefish? i just wanted to see if i could identify it correctly.
I took the picture of the pipefish awhile back from a website{my apologies,as I cannot correctly identify the photographer}You could be right on the ID.
The type that I keep are the bluestripe pipefish.{Doryrhamphus Excisus Excisus}They look similar,except that the Jann's get very large,and these stay tiny{2-3 "}.I have two males,one in my main display,and one in my refugium.I am searching for a female..I had one,but she did'nt make it.After getting the second male,I learned correctly how to ID male from female.So I had to seperate them... as they do not get along.
I found that males are much brighter in coloration,and if you look very close,males have a line of ridges along the nose that females do not.


Active Member
well i hope you find a female bluestripe and maybe they will succesfully mate and if they do you can sell em, allways a good idea to help stop from wild catching.


Active Member
Anyone know what triggers calupra (SP) both grape and fern to purge their chlorophyll? I go through bouts of this in the fuge and it turns everything green ,skimmer goes crazy. I thought it was happening after I would supplement Iodine, but I haven't done that for a while and just went through another purge of a large section. Any ideas appreciated....


New Member
About 75 gal after looking at others I want to learn more about what I can put in it. My Chaetois a nice clump however is not growing very fast and I have 0 ammonia and nitritate/nitrite so what I am reading seems to be a good thing. Live rock seems to be a good idea I leave my light on 24 hours. Check out the 35 Gal dosing RO tank with auto top off.
