

Hello, I was cleaning my tank when I decided to clean my glass top. I removed it and set my lighting fixture on top and noticed how much brighter my tank was. Is there a safe way of going topless? I mean, I don't want any of my fish jumping out. Is there something out there I can make or purchase to extend the height of the tank? Plus, I plan on putting corals and since it looked brighter without the top I'd probably have a better chance at keeping them healthier. Can I get some pros and cons also. Thanks


I have compromised on mine..I have some glass directly under the lights (otherwise with the lights sitting on top the evaporation would now end up on the light fixture rather than the glass..I removed the rest of the glass cover (at the hinge) as to let heat escape..The glass also serves to cut down on evaporation (which is about a gallon a day on my 180).. I also use external pump to return the water to the tank (so no additional heat added there, which would be significant). True they require cleaning, and do get mineral buildup, thus cutting light.. You may want to consider hanging your fixture...


192 watt pc. 10000k and actinic bulb 96 watts each sits on leg stands about 5-6 inches above water. Never heard of eggcrate but I'll check at home depot. Hey Kipass, do you have a pic of your set up with the eggcrate?