Total Newbie to Saltwater Aquariums-Advice anyone?


New Member
I received for Christmas a 55 gallon aquarium/stand etc...I had planned to use it for additional freshwater fish, but truthfully it has always been a "dream"of mine to have a saltwater setup.I have freshwater tanks at present, a 90 gallon koi pond and a 165 gallon koi pond. We live on a ten acre tract of land and have lots of animals plus I seem to stay busy all of the time anyway in addition to the care of the animals and ponds. We are homebodies and RARELY travel so that wouldn't be an issue. Would someone be willing to give me in layman's terms a kind of step by step of what it would take to set up and maintain this tank, so that I don't make a mistake. Thanks in advance

PeggyLynn (Texas)


firstly, Welcome to the boards! It's a great thing you're here first!
Secondly, it takes a lot to set up a tank, so there's a lot to tell you. The best advice i can give you is to purchase a book called "the conscientious marine aquarist" by Robert Fenner. This is like the bible of the saltwater hobby. It'll tell you everything you need to know about setting up and maintaining your tank.
You need to have a lot of patience, because it can take up to 2 months before your tank will be ready for fish (or even possibly longer... it can also be much shorter). Your tank must first go through a process called the nitrogen cycle, aka the cycle (forgive me if you already know this b/c of your freshwater fish, but i don't know how freshwater works...). The point of the cycle is to build up a colony of aerobic bacteria that will process ammonia (fish waste, leftover food are examples of ammonia in an aquarium). into nitrites, and then nitrites into nitrates. Ammonia and nitrites are very toxic to fish, and nitrates aren't so toxic (although it can be in high concentrations).
There is so much more involved, i don't even know where to begin. Here's a couple of big DON'TS:
Do NOT clean your tank with windex or any other such cleaning solution... one drop in your tank could kill everything in it!
Do NOT use crushed coral or an undergravel filter... these will cause high nitrate problems and are more hassle than they're worth
Do NOT purchase a fish you have not researched!!! So no impulse buying at the fish store! Saltwater fish are very picky, and a lot of species will not get along with other species. Also, some commonly sold fish are very hard to care for, especially for a beginner.
That's all i can think of right now. Good Luck!!!

bang guy

Hi Peggy! Welcome to!!
:cheer: :happyfish
My first suggestion is to not buy ANYTHING more until you've read a good saltwater book cover to cover. I'd recommend The Conscientious Marine Aquarist and it can be purchased from this site.
My second suggestion is to look around this site and find pictures of 55 gallon setups. If you see one you like ask the owner about the details.
Third - you're already starting on the right foot by asking questions first and getting opinions. Get as many opinions as you can before acting. Also, don't just take the opinions you want to hear
If an answer sounds too easy & too fast then consider it suspect.


Hi peggylynn
Welcome to saltwater!
My biggest peice of advice would be to spend a couple weeks reading posts on this site!!!
there are hundreds of great informational posts for newbies here.
Also, figure out what kind of tank/fish you'd like to have--and what kind you CAN have with a tank that size and SLOWLY go from there.
best of luck!
and keep us posted on your progress


oh yeah, i forgot a don't... pretty important one too.
DO NOT EVER trust your LFS (local fish store)! At least until you have enough knowledge to test them and see how knowledgable they are... Most LFS are out for your money, and a lot employ dumb kids that know nothing about saltwater fish, and will tell you anything just to get a sale. Also, a lot of LFS are behind the times... they'll suggest you get things like crushed coral and an undergravel filter... don't listen to the LFS, and if they give you a suggestion, come here and research it first before you make your decision.


New Member
Thanks for the fast and friendly advice-- and greetings!And yes, my lfs has already tried to sell me crushed coral.:(PeggyLynn


oh yeah, don't use tapwater, ever! Even with a brita filter or some sort of filter like that. You should really use RO water (reverse osmosis), but distilled water is also acceptable. You can buy a RO filter unit, or you can purchase it from a store. I buy mine from walmart. It's in gallon jugs, and has a green lid and greed label. It's called "drinking water", but it's been processed by RO.


New Member
More good advice--thanks!As for cleaning the tank, what would you advise?It def needs it before I start trying to set it up. If the process can take as long as you say to get the balance right---I really need to start getting things set up. Instant gratification Husband would like it ready yesterday:(I have no problem waiting and doing it right. So I'll need to clean the tank, purchase the sand, the saline measuring equipment, the Instant ocean salt mix, and the Walmart water--Is that correct--?PeggyLynn


use a 1:4 mix of bleach and water to clean the tank. Make sure you rinse it out with water after cleaning it.
i used IO salt, and i always had a problem with my water. The calcium is really low in that mix, so i would suggest using oceanic. I've never had a problem with anything after i used oceanic, and i will never go back again.
Also, it is possible to get a bad batch of salt, so a lot of people test the newly mixed saltwater before they add it to the tank. Just a suggestion.
you'll also need to get some sort of filter, some live rock (after you add the water to your tank), test kits, and powerheads (these go in the tank, and are basically pumps that move the water around).
You really first and foremost need to purchase the conscientious marine aquarist, and read it before you do anything. It'll save you a world of trouble!


you can also try on here the archves. go to the main forum page and i believe it is there. It has tone of info about everything you need.