Trace Elements


I just turned my tank into a reef, shrooms and polyps, i read that it needs trace elements and iodine, so I bought those two, my question is do I add supplements to tank according to instructions on bottle?


Active Member
I wouldn't recommend adding iodine to the tank unless you have a test kit for it.
Too much iodine can be harmful to the tank, and you never know if it's getting used up in your tank, or if the bottle is a bad batch and much more potent than normal.


Can someone recommend me a test kit that has all the test neccesary for a SW Tank, the one I have is for NitrAte, NitrIte, Ammonia, and PH, that's it.


Active Member
Also calcium, I wouldnt dose trace elements though.I did this and followed directions on the bottle and had a nasty outbreak of alge.If you are mixing your our saltwater,as I am ,so should check your salt package and see if they add it to the salt ,if they do then you shouldnt need the trace elements.That is where I went wrong ,between what was in the salt and what I was putting in,it was too much.Regular water changes with a good salt will replenish trace elements.Calcium is usually where you will need to dose, if you decide to keep a full reef tank.But as always test first before dosing anything


Active Member
Originally Posted by Darknes
I wouldn't recommend adding iodine to the tank unless you have a test kit for it.
Too much iodine can be harmful to the tank, and you never know if it's getting used up in your tank, or if the bottle is a bad batch and much more potent than normal.
I also agree with Darkness on the Iodine


Originally Posted by Jhov2324
OK I'll have to get a test for iodine then, how about trace elements
And use the test for general purposes ONLY. Iodine test kits for sw aquariums are iffy at best.
I do not recommend dosing iodine at all if you are doing proper water changes. Salt mixes have an adequate supply, and you don't have the load in your tank to require it. Overdosing iodine is lethal.
Trace elements are in your salt mix. No need to add any until you have a lot of stock, and even then most reefers don't add.
You should be testing for the 4 big ones, plus calcium, alkalinity, phosphate, and to a lesser extent magnesium.

bang guy

Salifert has the only accurate hobbiest test kit on the market. If you buy test kits at the LFS make sure the Iodine kit is dated after may/05. The earlier kits were not accurate.


Originally Posted by Bang Guy
Salifert has the only accurate hobbiest test kit on the market. If you buy test kits at the LFS make sure the Iodine kit is dated after may/05. The earlier kits were not accurate.
Guy, are the newest ones accurate enough to base dosing on? I last read a few months ago that even the salifert kits were still only good for general purposes....

bang guy

Originally Posted by ctgretzky9
Guy, are the newest ones accurate enough to base dosing on? I last read a few months ago that even the salifert kits were still only good for general purposes....
Yes. Special attention needs to be given to Iodate & Iodide levels - they are NOT interchangeable. Molecular Iodine (I2 - like Lugol's) should never be dosed, it's for dipping only.


Active Member
I bought all of the salifert tests to begin monitoring my fowlr and inver tank, to get used to testing for stuff I will need to test for if and when I go reef...I am very confused as to why we even need to test for iodine...even the salifert (most accurate brand recommended by everyone) says that the results are iffy.. almost anything can effect the results of the test. Iodate is more stable, but the actual results of the test are unreliable since almost anything can effect them. iodine is unstable because it will not last long in the, if we know the results of the test are unreliable...why do we test? perhaps only to be sure you are not overshooting when dosing. but dosing based on what. if the test result is unreliable, what in the end do we actually know? who knows what we are doing here and why?

bang guy

For the life of me I will never understand why people want to add Iodine to their tank water. If you don't dose it there's no reason to test for it.


Active Member
If I’m not mistaken isn't dosing like rule 2 on the established tank maintaining list?
Do not add/dose any chemical into your tank unless you have tested the water and the test results show low "X" then dose. Quality salt will have all needed chemicals to make up good saltwater. Some salt chemistry is a little low for reefs, but most company’s are now starting to make reef salt and fish salt. I like coralife scientific grade marine salt, it’s got great levels Calcium and Magnesium levels are perfect and on the higher side of target. Being that its coralife I was a little worried about trates and phos, test all show zero after sitting and circulating for 28 hours. Salifert test and i like it.


Originally Posted by Bang Guy
For the life of me I will never understand why people want to add Iodine to their tank water. If you don't dose it there's no reason to test for it.
Because this is the land of consumption, and people feel the need to purchase items just because they are available, whether needed or not. :notsure:
And psychologically, they feel the need to do SOMETHING rather than nothing to maintain a tank.


1if your going to dose iodine use the kent concentrated one. Test the iodine levels in that bottle with the salifert test kit and I bet you will be shocked. 99% water.


and dont be using lugols in your tank. 1 drop to many and your tank is done.


When I look at a site selling fish/inverts/corals, it says for shrimps you need iodine for molting purposes and for corals trace elements and iodine, therefore I go out and buy it, but before i use it I ask the experts here. Now I have it just in case. So basically everytime I do a water change the salt will replenish these supplements and I wont have to dose.


WOw for real, so i have a bottle for nothing huh, are water changes just good enough then, or is there any supplements you recommend for keeping a reef.