Some more questions which I think I know the answers but here it goes. I know you shouldn't dose anything that you don't test for and a good salt mix will usually cover most of your elements if you are a frequent water changer. Now what about those that don't do frequent water changes. I have ever only dosed CA, ALK, mag, and strontium. I quit dosing the mag and stro since I was not testing the stro and I ran out of mag tests. Now I am buying another mag test but the stro test is expensive for only 25 tests. So I guess my options on stro are either to not dose (if I am not going to test) and do more water changes or dose it and take chance of not overdosing if I don’t test for it. I know the answer!! So let me ask this. If I buy the test, how often should I test in order to not use up the test kit up so quickly? I was thinking I should test first to see where my current level is at. If it’s low, gradually dose and maybe test once a week until a reach a normal level. Once it is level, test maybe once every two weeks? If it’s high, just continue with the alk and ca and eventually the stro will come down?