Plane tickets to Ft Lauderdale for us during spring break were $300 a person... plus $200 for the luggage because of course it had to be 7lbs over lol.
times 3 people that 900 + the 200 was 1100 for airfare
we got a premium car so that was $600 for the week (including some priceline negotiating... it woulda been more!)
hotel was $230 a night times 7 nights plus addt'l room charges it came out to 1650
food, we had $100-200 a night dinners * 7 = roughly 950
lunch, we had it a few times out, other times it was randomly assembled stuff from Publix, same with breakfast = roughly 500
total, excluding other expenses such as gas for the car and shopping, our stay in the area was $4,800 for the week for 3 people (4 for a part of the week, but she payed for a few lunches and her own airfare
The area is quite pricey. Luckily my mom payed! lol. however, I did a lot of the planning so thats how I know most of the prices.
with the prices you guys are assuming, either y'all are great at saving or need to bump up how much you guys think y'all are gonna spend!