TriGa22's Tank Diary


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Az,Vice,Eagle, Thanks yes it has come along way.(My debt keeps getting bigger lol) If you think about it for a 15 yr old not too bad. I want to get MH soon.
Eagle, I have ridden on Dueling dragons both along with about 200+ coasters. Im A ACE member(American Coaster Enthusiest) I am on montu in that picture. Its located at Busch Gardens Tampa Bay Floridia. Its made by B&M same company as dueling dragons. Cost was 20,000,000. Its one of two coaster to have a batwing which is pretty much an inverted cobra roll......................... (lol could go on and on)


Active Member
Thanks, dosent anymore lol. Just re-hooked the sump up and my rock wall is destroyed. Im going to fix it soon, I hope.


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Tank is in horrible shape. Weird yellow and brown fuzzy algea on some of the rocks, also lots of hairy algea on the sandbed. Some corals are dieng. I had to QT my one clown becuse he was getting picked on. Now I bought a new one and they are becoming friends in the QT and Im adding them to the display tank saturday, so I will take some pics and post them up on Saturday. Anyways, sorry for not attending the site in forever but I will try to get into the routine. I will post up some pictures later tonight as well. They are a week old pictures.


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Alright, let me go take some. I didnt know that ist has been this long since I have posted. WOW! Now that it summer I can be here alot more. Awsome! Ill get some pics within the hour. Got some new corals lots more has changed! New fish!


Active Member
Found out that my brother has the good camera. I can still take pictures but they wont be that good of quality. Spent forever looking for it lol.


you should dry skim with that coralife. get some nasty gunk with that.


Active Member
It does dry skim. It was just cleaned so it just wet skims for the first few days then it becomes black sludge.


Active Member
Tank looks suggestion is to get some more corals like zoas, mushrooms, rics, kenya tree, etc some nice color!


Active Member
Yea, If I had the money the tank would be looking amazing. This is the list of things Im buying in order
1.Wood for a custom canopy/stand
2.T-5 lights(Please suggest good ones)
3.Ricordias for my 8 gallon mushrom tank
4. Corals for my 29.


Active Member
Im positive that by my birthday, October, I will have this tank stocked with more varius corals.