Trigger Question


I have a Picasso and niger triggerfish I was wondering if anyone knew a trick or I should say the best way to care for them to keep them as mildly aggressive as possible; Like what food to feed them that won't bring out the aggression in them. Right now they are tiny 1 inch. I have a bunch of branching LR and some big pieces, do they like caves ? Basically what can I do to keep them as tame as possible ? So they can be in the same tank as a porc. puffer and a orange spotted blenny and a longfin butterfly.


Originally Posted by Espkh9
I have a Picasso and niger triggerfish I was wondering if anyone knew a trick or I should say the best way to care for them to keep them as mildly aggressive as possible; Like what food to feed them that won't bring out the aggression in them. Right now they are tiny 1 inch. I have a bunch of branching LR and some big pieces, do they like caves ? Basically what can I do to keep them as tame as possible ? So they can be in the same tank as a porc. puffer and a orange spotted blenny and a longfin butterfly.
frozen brine?
and they love 2 hide at night in a coazy spot


Active Member
I had a Niger and Huma together for several years with minimal aggression issues in a similar sized tank to your 125. Puffer is fine with them, I am no Butterfly expert as I have never kept one, I would be worried about a Blenny with the Triggers and the puffer as they love to "sample" slow moving fish....To keep the aggression down, don't feed live food, and don't overcrowd the tank, I hope you have a good skimmer, triggers and puffers are messy, while they are very hardy, your butterfly is not.


Active Member
The best food for triggers is silversides and krill. If I were you I would ensure that you feed them veggies as well.
I agree with KJR that you need to be worried about the Blenny. My crosshatch would definitely have him for lunch just keep an eye on them.

bird dog

Originally Posted by ccampbell57
The best food for triggers is silversides and krill. If I were you I would ensure that you feed them veggies as well.
I agree with KJR that you need to be worried about the Blenny. My crosshatch would definitely have him for lunch just keep an eye on them.
Thought the crosshatch was reef friendly?


Active Member

Originally Posted by Bird Dog
Thought the crosshatch was reef friendly?

That just means he won't typically
eat inverts/corals, they are not above using a smaller inactive fish as a chew toy....I love Lawnmower Blennys, but I would never keep one with any Trigger or large Puffer


I had an udulate trigger for 3 years in a tank by itself. did not mean it to be that way, but started feeding live food. And everything else i put in the tank was just pretty food.
a valuable lesson learned.


well that could explain why the blenny is missing but the niger and picasso trigger are smaller than him so I don't know. the puffer also is smaller than him they are all under 1.5 inches. Wouldnt feeding these triggers silversides cause more aggression than frozen brine or mysis shrimp ? I have a a good skimmer my filteration is ok not the best I do not change the carbon and other media stuff in the canister filter or HOB filter. The SB is less than 1 inch is that a problem for triggers ? I read somewhere they need a small SB. I am assuming less than 1 inch is small. anyone know why ?


Active Member
Brine shrimp do absolutely nothing for saltwater fish. All they do is help to get the fish to initially eat and then you should move to mysis and other meaty foods.
Sand bed depth has nothing to do with triggers. They like to dig for food. My triggers will blow into the substrate to remove sand to find food. My old blueline trigger would pick up live rock and move it to get to the pellets that were under it.
I would say your blenny is either hiding because the triggers have lunged at him or it is already toast.
It doesnt matter the size of a trigger. My 5" clown trigger could take out a larger fish if it wanted, but I dont promote live feeding in my tank. Basically, each of the fish in the tank wouldnt know they are food. In fact, you rarely see triggers eat other fish in the wild. They eat clams and urchins and other inverts.


Active Member
Originally Posted by ccampbell57
Brine shrimp do absolutely nothing for saltwater fish. All they do is help to get the fish to initially eat and then you should move to mysis and other meaty foods.
Sand bed depth has nothing to do with triggers. They like to dig for food. My triggers will blow into the substrate to remove sand to find food. My old blueline trigger would pick up live rock and move it to get to the pellets that were under it.
I would say your blenny is either hiding because the triggers have lunged at him or it is already toast.
It doesnt matter the size of a trigger. My 5" clown trigger could take out a larger fish if it wanted, but I dont promote live feeding in my tank. Basically, each of the fish in the tank wouldnt know they are food. In fact, you rarely see triggers eat other fish in the wild. They eat clams and urchins and other inverts.


So for the future now that they are now all eating, get only Mysis shrimp or Krill or Silversides or Squid.I would have no use for Brine ?


Originally Posted by ccampbell57
That is correct. Brine has no nutritional value. Kind of like cheetos for fish.
so what are you supose to feed fish? veggies?how funn!!last time i looked veggies are not in the ocean?unless you mean kelp
or some thing else of nutritionalvalue,from the ocean!whatdo mean by veggies?my fish seem 2 b doin fine on cheetos.all have gotton lotz bigger and seem healthy for now!!!!!!!
!!!untill melt down


Active Member
ESPKH9 - like I said, if you feed brine, do so as an addative to their normal diet. You should mix it up to keep them healthy long term.
I would suggest getting a bunch of different types of food and seeing what they will eat.
Variety of food is always best for their ammune systems. Also, to your original question of keeping them as mildy aggressive as possible - keep them well fed and NEVER feed live feeders. While entertaining to some, live feeding trains your triggers to view anything moving in the tank should be food.


Active Member
A well balanced diet is key to your fish health . A lot of people think they can just shovel fresh water feeders into there tanks by the pound and have happy healthy fish . There are a few things that you should try to stay away from as a main food source . brine shrimp and any kind of fresh water fish or inverts are a poor source of nutrition . They can be fed in addidtion but I personally dont recomend it . Your best bets are to feed krill ,mysis,clams scallops, squid, I would even add in a pellet type of food that does include kelp and sea weed . The colors you will see on your fish will amaze you . Others will disagree but they are happy with their tanks . I encourage you to follow the path of proper nutrition for your fish .


Active Member
Originally Posted by ccampbell57
Also, to your original question of keeping them as mildy aggressive as possible - keep them well fed and NEVER feed live feeders. While entertaining to some, live feeding trains your triggers to view anything moving in the tank should be food.

I honestly could not agree more with this statement .
While some speices are naturally aggresive feeding live food only encourages the aggresion .


Active Member
Feeding live feeders increases aggression in Triggers and Puffers.......Sort of like arguing with "certain people" on this site increases frustration in adults.


Originally Posted by kjr_trig
Feeding live feeders increases aggression in Triggers and Puffers.......Sort of like arguing with "certain people" on this site increases frustration in adults.

no all u ppl just want 2 keep aggressive fish as wimps!!!.my choice is to have aggresion.all my fish are a ok!!mabey we should take there teeth out.u ppl are wrong.everyone is intitled 2your own choice
mabey i should feed my eels sum carrots?or mabey a green peppers?how funn !!so bornin feed live!!!


Active Member
Years, not months will tell you how your tank is doing. I have had my fish for 4 years and they look better and better.