Trigger Question


Active Member
you definatly want to get that running as soon as you can . While its not a must have it does help A LOT to have a skimmer . You should be ok just keep an eye on the nitrates and stay on top of water changes until you can get the skimmer running.


Active Member
couldnt really tell you a yes or no . Dont let food sit on the bottom and watch nitrates . If they go up then you might be over feeding .


The fish devour all the food in seconds. I feed in the morning and at night I will test for Nitrates later on though just to make sure.
I started feeding Krill silversides pellets and squid...should I boither putting in some greens mixed in with some garlic on it ?


Active Member
Believe it or not your triggers will eat nori . I would put it in for my tang and the triggers would go to town on it . You can also soak you food in garlic . But get a good garlic addative . either a vitamin solution from the lfs or if you have an organic market near by you can pick up garlic extract there . its usually in the vitamin dept . Add a drop or two to the food your feeding as it thaws a little . Your fish will go crazy over it .


almost all of them. Naso, Yellow, Purple, Sailfin. I really cant think of one that CANT be with a trigger.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Espkh9
Just out of curiousity what tang can hold its own with a trigger ?

That all depends on which triggers your talking about . If you are talking a titan a queen or even a good sized undy than not a lot of tangs will stand a chance in a home aquarium . Even a good sized clown trigger will make short work of most tangs .


Active Member
Originally Posted by Espkh9
Just out of curiousity what tang can hold its own with a trigger ?
I would kind of agree with both Crash and Salt....Tangs can be pretty tough customers in their own right, particularly the Acanthurus Tangs (Achilles, Sohal, Clown, Powder Blue, ect.)....Although once you get into the "bad boy Triggers" Undy, Queen, Yellow Margin, ect. it's a different story. It would be a bad choice to have one of these guys in a community tank though, but the Huma, Niger, Bluethroat, Assasi types mix quite nicely with Tangs as long as a suitably large tank is provided.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Espkh9
Just out of curiousity what tang can hold its own with a trigger ?
IMO; this is another gray area that has no right & wrong answers. So much depends on the individual fish, sizes, when introduced, etc, etc. Sometimes you just have to do your research and take a chance.


Active Member
I feed ,y Huma Huma and Niger a mix of Shell on Shrimp Krill Mysis pellets nori Squid and Sliversides and they are doing great. Puffer is doing great also. I could not believe it today when I saw my Niger and Huma work together to move that peice of LR over to get to that piece of shrimp.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Crashbandicoot
thats a harliquen tusk wrase . nasty little things but very very beautiful.
IME, harlequin tusks are very peaceful fish, especially for a large wrasse. I've never had one cause any problems with any fish that was of appropriate size to be with them in the 1st place..probably the most docile fish of that size that I can think of. They are big, robust fish that need room; and their blue teeth creep out little kids...its great. I've had at least one of these for a long time and can't think of a negative thing to say about them. They are great tankmates for triggers & tangs...but death to inverts.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Crashbandicoot
Thats more where I was thinking but I guess I should have been more clear on that .
I'm going to shut-up about these fish...the price is high enough! (Especially the Australian, which, IMO, is far prettier and hardier than the I. O. type. I have 2 now (seperate tanks) that I expect to live for many years. I had trouble getting one of them to eat; too much competition from more aggressive fish. He still won't eat anything unless I hold it with my fingers or a feeding tweezers. When I approach the tank, he stands vertically and spits water through his blue teeth up into the eggcrate. I keep some hermits in my QT as a treat for him, good for the teeth of triggers too. No live critter goes into DT before QT, I learned this the hard way.


Active Member
I love the Aussy Tusk. I almost got one but once I saw his teeth he scared me.
It was in a SPS tank at my LFS and was destroying the cleaner crew. They wanted to get rid of him, but couldnt cause it was like a puppy dog to them.