What I did recently for rinsing, with my shallow bed/barebottom tank was ran a garden hose to the tank from a cold water spiggot, filled the tank about a foot, then ran another garden hose on a syphon right out the doorwall to continually drain the tank, and then I started washing the sand, right in the aquarium, mind you with livestock in organized tubs, NOT in the tank.
I did this for about 20minutes until the water was clear, just went back and forth blasting the aragonite with the one hose, and the other hose just kept syphoning the water out of the tank, right outside, and when I was all done, I jacked the tank so it ran all the water to one end and made sure I sucked out as much tapwater as possible, then I added some amquel to take care of the little bit of chlorine/chloramine that may have been residual left on the walls/aragonite chunks, and then started filling with RO water and water from my tubs. There was no cloud and this was the best method I have tried so far. I lost no livestock except an acro frag, which I think got a little beat up from the move, not the sand washing.
As for getting southdown out of an existing tank, without scratching the acrylic and making a mess of things, the easiest way is to get a couple garbage cans, and go to home depot and buy a 2'' diamater braided nylon hose. When you start a syphon with that hose it will suck the sand out so fast, you won't know what happened. I sucked out 570lbs of sand out of my 300gal and had it all out within 30 minutes. The only thing you will need is a pump and a hose on the end of the pump to pump the water back to the tank from the trashcans, the sand will settle to the bottom, but you can pump out 95% of the water back to the tank, or to holding vats while you get ready to add new stuff back to the tank.