Tropical Play Sand sucks so far...


Look into getting a plastic cup full of LS from an established tank. Ask your LFS or if you have a buddy that lives near you maybe they can help you out. Someone on these boards may be able to help you out as well. It will help speed the process and seed the sand you currently have.


rossim, why dont you sell me some LS?

just a cup full..:happyfish
btw, I did buy LS before and totally mixed it up with my playsand, do you think the playsand killed my LS?


Just the opposite. The LS that you mixed will help seed the play sand and make it live. I'd offer you some sand, but my tank is only a little over 2 months old. I only used LS when I set it up, but the tank is in no way established yet.
By the way, where are you located? I'm in Jersey. If you really want some sand I can send you some but I'm not sure how I would pack it.


I can send you some sand from my fuge, I'm in ny. the only thing is the it would have to be shipped at least 2nd day sooooo you pay shipping and you get some LS. but I don't think this will speed the process up much:notsure: maybe a week or two :notsure:


Hey mujtba, I would be willing to bet that your problem is that you did not rinse the sand properly. I bought some tropical play sand at Home Depot that was extremely powdery. I had to start out with it in a bucket and rinse it. What i did was fill the 5 gallon bucket about a third of the way with sand and rinse with water, stirring the sand as you add the water until the bucket is full. Let the mixture settle for about 20 seconds then slowly dump the water out of the bucket paying attention not to empty too much sand out with it. Most of the sand will stay at the bottom while you do this, but some will be suspended in the water along with the powder. Repeat this process until you are satisfied that you aren't going to get any more powder out then add it to your tank. Do this with you entire load of sand and your tank will clear up in a matter of days. I know this is a long, drawn out process, but with the money saved on the sand and obviously the time saved without a cloudy tank, it is well worth it. My tank no longer gets sand powder stirred up at all.


Active Member
IMO silica sand is a bad idea. It has sharp edges and if I remember right it promotes algae growth. Aragonite also helps buffer your PH also. You don't have to get LS to get a good aragonite sand, dry will do.


i didnt wash my sand.. no one told me too.. i was a noob.. :nope:
anyhow whats done is done. i have to wait it out now..
btw, do I have enuf sand??? 50lbs of play sand, and about 40lbs of LS. is that ample amount of sand? do i need more?
do I havea DSB, or a SSB, or NSB(normal sandbed), or what???? :notsure:


over 4 inches is considered a DSB.
What you have is IPRS...
ImPatient Reefer Syndrome.....


ya very funny.. you are saying im impatient becuz i was annoyed by the 4 month milky water.. who wouldnt be? did you stare at an empty tank for 4 months? i already stared at my LR for 5 weeks and no livestock. that took patience. no one told me the playsand is like powder and takes 3-4months to not stir up.. thats why i was concerned. i never said im getting corals tomorow man... :scared:


no it hasnt been 4 months.. i meant that i now find out i gota wait like 4 mnths.. its only been 6 weeks. so its normal?? :notsure:


Active Member
What are the running opinions on curing sand?
I see CB shark just rinses it in freshwater, but I've heard of some people going to great lengths to cure it in salt with a heater and water pump for weeks.


Active Member

Originally posted by mujtba
...btw, I did buy LS before and totally mixed it up with my playsand, do you think the playsand killed my LS?

The LS should have been spread over the top of the HD sand...
The bacteria in the LS need oxygen to breed and grow...burying it in the playsand very well may have killed off any benifits you might have gained from it...

tony detroit

Active Member
I hate southdown. Had it, got rid of it.
I am doing the barebottom with nutrient removal, rather than nutrient processing approach now.



Originally posted by mujtba
you are saying im impatient becuz i was annoyed by the 4 month milky water

How's your skimmer? I never had a problem even with a brand new never cycled southdown cloud lasting more than a day or so - the skimmer will generally take out the particles if you have a good one.


Why do you recommend against washing sand? I have always done it and never had a problem. I wasn't talking about live sand either, just the tropical playsand. I can't think of any reason that this would be a bad idea. So little of the water remains in the sand after rinsing. So many people here have so many opinions about no freshwater this and that and i'm not so sure that they really have any basis for their beliefs.


washing southdown removes the smallest dustlike particles in the sand - these smallest particles are what makes southdown so effective as a DSB - they push together at the bottom of your bed creating oxygen free (or at least oxygen poor) enviroments that should turn nitrates into nitrogen - which is the point of a DSB vs a SSB. Wash them out - and you're lessenning your chances of this beneficial enviroment existing.



Originally posted by CBSHARK
i'm not so sure that they really have any basis for their beliefs.

Pretty sure kip has basis for anything he states - otherwise he would keep his mouth shut or clarify the statement as heresay.


I'm with ya CBS. I didn't wash the "Wet sand" I made the mistake of buying in the begginning but I purchased another 90lbs of figi pink dry and I rinsed it first. Man what a difference. It settled right away and the water was completely cleared up in a couple of hours. I haven't tried the play sand yet, but I would definately rinse it first if I do.