True or False game


Active Member
True at first but now for other things too.
Next poster has more pictures of thier tank than of thier entire family including extended fam and inlaws combined
Originally Posted by PonieGirl
Absolutely true
Next poster dislikes reality shows
Semi true. i like some, cant stand others
The next poster ate pork chops for dinner.


Active Member
ok i dont know which one to answer for. i guess it will be both
true i did have porkchops
true i do love the smileys
the next person has a pic of their fish on their phone
Originally Posted by autofreak44
ok i dont know which one to answer for. i guess it will be both
true i did have porkchops
true i do love the smileys
the next person has a pic of their fish on their phone

False, my phone = no camera...
The next poster has ever won a fistfight.


Active Member
no, only been in one and it didnt turn out good. from that day, i just learned not to piss people off
the next person thinks that every time i post, i tell my life story
Originally Posted by autofreak44
no, only been in one and it didnt turn out good. from that day, i just learned not to piss people off
the next person thinks that every time i post, i tell my life story

The next poster has a steady relationship with a member of the opposite ---.


Active Member
Originally Posted by reef noob
next poster had lasagna within the last month

Next person has to pick a child up at preschool today


Active Member
Originally Posted by alyssia
Next person has to pick a child up at preschool today
false... i do on wednesdays...
the next person has played disc golf...


Active Member
Originally Posted by ruaround
false... i do on wednesdays...
the next person has played disc golf...
True, I played it years ago and I currently live on the border of Cliff Stevens Park where world champion Ken Klimo plays all the time or at least he used to !! I have seen him throw a hole-in-one years once.
The next person ate Taco Bell for lunch.


Active Member
false although i just warmed up a taco from there for my son, the next person should be working but is posting here instead