True or False game

Originally Posted by reef noob
next poster just got a new pet

The next poster has ever spoiled their dinner by eating candy


Active Member
False, I am indifferent as I normally dont drink soda. Im a Gatorade kinda guy
Next poster has walked up to a blind date but then seen who they were meeting and just kept walking.........
Originally Posted by ReefForBrains
False, I am indifferent as I normally dont drink soda. Im a Gatorade kinda guy
Next poster has walked up to a blind date but then seen who they were meeting and just kept walking.........

cant say i have. THat would be an awfully funny story though. false.
The next poster has killed a man...just to watch him die....


Active Member
False, please dont set us up together to meet at an overpriced restaraunt.
Next poster cant remember what they had for dinner last week, but thier telephone number from a ten year old former address no problem.


Active Member
true, the next poster has 3 non appreciative kids a dog that don't quit barking and a roid the size of a guinea pig


Active Member
False- no kids, but if dog is barking at back door and wife is yelling from front door who do you let in first? ......The dog, at least he will be quiet once inside.
Next poster agrees that this thread could very well become a 20 pager.....


Active Member
Originally Posted by ReefForBrains
False- dont watch TV
Next poster knows what "Klaatu, Barada, Nikto" means
True... silly Gort...
the next person has their toenails painted...


Active Member
false i have trouble ordering any kind of ethnic food not alone other languages, the next poster lives for adrenaline rushes, bungee jumps, parachuting, bar fights


Active Member
Fasle- but all of the above seem to find me, Have all three on multiple videos on friends camara phones
Next poster believes I is a crime wear Tie Dye ANYTHING