True or False game


Active Member
False- I take a host of other

if that counts. Tobin- wanna trade meds? LOL
Next poster sometimes wonders which would be worse:
To be punched in the face by Mike Tyson?
To talk like Mike Tyson?


Active Member
i already know the answer, and its the talking one... (true haha)
the next person thinks american idol should have ended after the second season


Active Member
False- always have had a great sense of style. I used to live in linen suits
Oxycotton, hydrocodone, Celebrex, Lortab, Vikadin, and of course Glucosomine and condriton. I am sure I mispelled all of them. LOL
Next poster knows how to tie a Windsor knot, also a double Windsor


false....does that mean I am a youngin'?
the next poster can fill me in on what happen in the new scrubs last night since I forgot because I was playing with my dang tanks


Active Member
false never got into that show (it should have ended as well) the next person knows how mork and mindy were and morks real life name


Originally Posted by mie
false never got into that show (it should have ended as well) the next person knows how mork and mindy were and morks real life name

true but that show should have been canceled....wait HA!
anywho, the next person goes to the LFS just to look around


Active Member
True at least 2 or 3 times a week, especially when the shipments come in.
The next person wants to upgrade their tank.
By the way, Mork was played by Robin Williams and Mindy was played by Pam Dawber. Nanu Nanu


Active Member
true unfortunately. The next poster is trying to think of something oddly unique to say that the next poster is doing while thinking of what they should have said in another thread to which they just responded and are kicking themselves for forgetting to mention a good point they had initially intended to include.