true red tailes boa 19 years and counting...
the next poster is grotesquely disfigured by having a mountain lion growing out of one side of their face...
true, one is a border collie, the other is a timberwolf/huskie mix. The next poster has recently fulfilled a morbid curiosity by witnessing a fight or accident, and deep down inside, enjoyed it.
Bacon- true only if it's with pineapple...
Onion- true only on a BBQ pizza...
Next poster sits in the bathroom while the hot water runs and enjoys a steambath before they get in.
False...I wish...being a mother means giving up at least 90% of your personal private time.
The next poster hasn't mowed their loawn for at least a week.
Originally Posted by Tiberius
False. Haven't mowed at all this year. No rain.
The next has seen the new pirate movie.
True, and it was about an hour and 20 mins too long!!!
The next poster has a Milli Vanilli poster on their wall.