True or False game


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Ex-Lion fish. Stupid UPS delivery guy drove all around the twin cites in -15 degree weather...and left the Lion fish in the back where there wasn't any heat. So I got a Lion popsicle instead

Next poster is planning a octopus tank


Active Member
Heeeeeere's Johhhnny! Oh my, True!
Next person watches children play one sport or another on a VERY (exhausting) regular basis. (School is almost OUT!)
10-4 on the yehti thing.


Active Member
Originally Posted by PonieGirl
Heeeeeere's Johhhnny! Oh my, True!
Next person watches children play one sport or another on a VERY (exhausting) regular basis. (School is almost OUT!)
10-4 on the yehti thing.
well i am in P.E. so i guess i see that every day. true!
(i guess i spelt yehti wrong...)
the next poster has an iPod


Originally Posted by jennythebugg
true,could ya get thatfor me poster has broken a bone in the last year
False. Never ever. :D
Next poster has shot a gun before..


TRUE. DELAYED SLEEP PHASE SYNDROME is what 3 of 4 sleep studies has recognized it as. My circadium rhythum is 11 hours backwards. I am TECHNICALLY, according to science, next to nocturnal.
Nothing makes me fall asleep. not even drinking. God has shown me the way, truth, and light.
I may not sleep, but that just means I am ALWAYS AROUND.
the next poster has NOT spent over five days awake like me, even when they were drug oriented, unlike me. that is 120 hours.
REEFER545 I actually only made it 116 hours, but whatever.


Active Member
false i used to do drugs and i was awake for 10 days once but like i stated it was drug induced, i was seeing some weird stuff man, the next poster likes the muppets


Active Member
False, child of the '80's. (would we have had disco otherwise?)
Next person loves to see the sun come up (early to bed, all that..)


Active Member
True...I am considering cutting our phone lines.
The next poster needs/plans to mow their lawn tomorrow.


False. Just started spitting rain a few moments ago. No rain since April 14th.
The next will be watching Stargate tonight.