True or False game


Originally Posted by Rykna
True~ I am married, however, being of the female gender I am hurt by your negative attitude. As a devoted, loving wife, I never change my mind for my own malicious purposes...I know what I like...and as the supreme ruler of my domain I have the right to change my mind when ever I see fit. Refer to rule #1....the wife is ALWAYS right... any QUESTIONS??? Good

the next poster is married and knows exactly what I'm talking about

i wasnt being mean or anything i was just stating that women like to keep men on there toes is all and thats why we can never figure them out! but you also just stated that you dont change your mind for your own purposes but you can change your mind when you see fit????
how the heck is that possible without sounding like a hyprocrit? see what i mean always keep us ( males ) on our toes! Males =
, Females =

p.s. i'm the oldest of 5 with 3 sisters and i've been engaged for the last 2 yrs before the last split! ( she was nuts by the way nothing against any women except her)
true about xbox live but i had to send my 360 in for repairs!
next poster is straching their head tried to comprehend this post!


Active Member
Originally Posted by bpaul1201
Oh bpaul...I am so sorry. I was teasing!!! I was agreeing with you 100%. Sorry for the misunderstanding


Active Member
Not sure...we women are a bit hard to comprehend to begin with

next poster is a master at stuffing their foot into their mouth like me


false lets keep it going this is fun! its keeper our minds of our tanks for once!!
the next poster has a tank that is 150g or bigger!
p.s.rykna i looked at your thread and i'm loving the seahorses think i might use my 14g biocube for them when i get my bigtank! and no worries bout the comment just having fun pulling a leg is all! besides no matter how crazy women are i love them all!


Active Member
Originally Posted by bpaul1201
false lets keep it going this is fun! its keeper our minds of our tanks for once!!
the next poster has a tank that is 150g or bigger!
p.s.rykna i looked at your thread and i'm loving the seahorses think i might use my 14g biocube for them when i get my bigtank! and no worries bout the comment just having fun pulling a leg is all! besides no matter how crazy women are i love them all!
cool, we need a lot of extra slack when it comes to crazy

Seahorses rock.
so close...tripped at the finish line. My 55 gallon leaked 35 gallons, after that my husband trembles at the mention.
next poster loves starbuck coffee

tx reef

Active Member
False.....just got back from the bathroom

The next person would trust their 8 year old boy with Michael Jackson....


Active Member
False. I wouldn't trust Michael Jackson to be with anyone.
The next poster didn't watch the last two games of the NBA Finals because the first two were so bad.


NBA? whats that? oh is that were all the over paid athletes play and get mad when they dont get there way? i havent watched an NBA game in 2 yrs!
the next poster is waiting for football season!! both college and NFL!


False. Not a NFL girl. But, I do like Arena football!! Go Storm!!!
The next has seen the new Oceans13 flick.