Originally Posted by Rykna
Next poster enjoys spending time with their in laws over their own family.
hellz no... couldnt stand em when they were inlaws cant stand em now!!!
the next poster likes the movie "Accepted"...
I don't need to because I haven't been fragging my few corals but I'd like to start one with sps and clams as soon as I can afford the lights.
The next poster plays XBOXLIVE
heck yes! at my friends house. i pretty much live there lol. halo2 all the way untill september 25th when halo3 comes!!!!!
the next person thinks angry people should quit doing the whole angry thing.
true numerous times so much that the emergency room knew me by name and had my file at the front desk waiting for me!! good times Skating,hockey,bmx,jumping off tall stuff!! but no broken bone but lots of stiches!
next poster as broken a bone in the last month!