True or False game


Active Member
seeing as i dont kno what the NRA is exactly ill have to say undecided
next poster has done something incredibly stupid in the past 96hrs


TRUE... Shouldnt we be doing something more productive with our time?
The next poster wants to donate money to my 180 upgrade project...

ric maniac

Active Member
Originally Posted by slowburn22
TRUE... Shouldnt we be doing something more productive with our time?
The next poster wants to donate money to my 180 upgrade project... much as i want to i cant, oh darn

the next poster has or will use a car battery in an illegel or odd way in their future.


Active Member
Originally Posted by ric maniac much as i want to i cant, oh darn

the next poster has or will use a car battery in an illegel or odd way in their future.
true, i have a problem tree a "stink tree" or ghetto palm tree thinkin battery acid will take it and it's several hundred saplings out, the next person knows an effective way to remove this nuisance plant from hell

ric maniac

Active Member
Originally Posted by seasalt101
true, i have a problem tree a "stink tree" or ghetto palm tree thinkin battery acid will take it and it's several hundred saplings out, the next person knows an effective way to remove this nuisance plant from hell
true... light it on fire
next person will think being a pyro is a bad thing.


Active Member
Originally Posted by ric maniac
true... light it on fire
next person will think being a pyro is a bad thing.
that one does not work for this species google it, true about 1977 me and my lil brother were having a match fight at grandparents house, dried up christmas tree burnt up fast instant busted, the next person loves oatmeal

ric maniac

Active Member
Originally Posted by seasalt101
that one does not work for this species google it, true about 1977 me and my lil brother were having a match fight at grandparents house, dried up christmas tree burnt up fast instant busted, the next person loves oatmeal
wow thats crazy. and true! oatmeal is my breakfast very frequently lol
the next person thinks llamas should be recognized by everyone as our overlords.


true they taste like chicken!

next poster has seen their cat/dog watching their fishtanks!
i know mine does cuz i have nose prints all over the glass!


Active Member
yes, snake tanks too, its a pain to shoot them w/ the spray bottle but u get used to it and make it seem kinda like ur a special agent cracking down on a drug deal
next poster has made out in a movie theater *raises own hand*


its a favorite pastime...........back row of the movie theater so true!!!
next poster wants a tank like goodwin9 or churib2!


Active Member
SURE!!! One more tank is fine with me!
Next poster wants to strangle their parents for turning their kid into a whiny brat when they go to grandma's and grandpa's for a visit.