True Percula Clownfish


I was wandering if I could get a pair of True Percula Clownfish for my 10 gallon. I really like the color, would it hurt anything to put them in my tank? If i cant what other kind of clownfish have the black band?


Thats awsome, when i set up my new 10 gallon(I have all the equpment, just need lr and RODI water) I will add a pair of True Percs. Bigarn, hows your 10 gallon doin? do you mind posting a pic of it? I had to take mine down, but Hopefully I will start another 10 gallon up soon!


I don't know of anyone that sells mated pairs. I've heard that they can change ---, however, but don't quote me on that. Good Luck!!


Originally Posted by ReefDude37
very nice, how much do you think a pair would be? can you get mated pairs?
mated pairs run about 70-80$ where i live
but sometimes you can get a MUCH better deal


I have a pair in a 10gal, they do great....They are even preparing a laying site
I got one wild caught for $25 and then about a year later i got a really small tank raised one for $15....they paired up right is a little risky doing it that way, that they may not pair up.
Here is a pick of the two, Roland is the larger one, and Issabel is the smaller (the later is the female, she was a male when i bought her but she morphed when I got the smaller one) :happyfish



Your clowns are very cute....It looks like they always swim together. My "mated pair" like eachother, but they dont stay together like yours do. Do yours sleep together?


Yep these two love eachother....they never leave eachothers side, they swim like this all day and sleep next to eachother, it is very cute....they are my babies! :happyfish
I am pretty sure they are close to spawning, they obsses over keeping a patch of rock under the mushrroms they like clean and htey do a lot of the shivering behavior.... I feel bad that i have to move the tank in two weeks, im probally going to disrupt the whole thing

bang guy

Originally Posted by christs
I have a pair in a 6 gallon Nano and they are doing great!
Those look like Ocellaris to me.


Where I live you can get a mated pair of true percs for $100. These mated pairs are from their own facility and have been sucsessfully bred, they are a major breeder in clownfish.

bang guy

Originally Posted by swishy
I have a pair in a 10gal, they do great....They are even preparing a laying site
Yours look like Ocellaris as well.


They were sold to me as perculas...the larger was a wild caught and the smaller was a tank raised...I actually think the tank raised very well is an ocellaris. I have done a lot or research and I am almost positive the larger darker one is a Perc. I have read of them cross breeding which explaines them liking eachother.
But it is so hard to tell...the only for sure way I read about was to count the rays on the dorsal fun, which is imposible on a moving fish.
Also you can't always trust what the people at the pet store say...i was sold star polups and xenia once!
Here are a couple more pics, maybe they will be easier to identify. :happyfish
The first one is Roland, had her for two years, the tag on the tank said wild caught percula
The second one is Issabel, had him for 6 months, tag said true ocellaris, sales man said true percula.



Oh well....Shouldnt have listend to the LFS people....No big deal, i lovethe little guys no matter what they are....I was figureing that the black bands widend with age, then since one is over two years old and still no black bands i began to wonder. Besides Ocellaris are easyer to breed and that would be cool if they did. :happyfish Thanks for the info everybody.