Trying to compete w/ Wax - LOL


Active Member
Just kidding. No way I could possibly do that. :hilarious

Just thought I would share my tank with you guys. All comments welcome.



Active Member
Yeah I need a bigger tank :jumping: I am running out of room I want to move them but I don't know where to put them. When I have them on the sand the crabs and snails roll all over them.

There is only so much I can fit in this little 29 gallon
That BTA wasn't near that big at the LFS. He sure has opened up now. That thing is probably 6 inches across.
Here are some more pictures.



Active Member
Looks great, I agree need bigger tank, my husband says if we get any bigger tanks we will have to get 1 of the kids to move out(Too bad they are 10 , 4 and 13 months) hahaha :joy:


Active Member
Yeah I want like a 120 or 125. My hubby has agreed, but says I either have to put off our Hawaii anniversary trip or wait a year. :scared: I really don't see that I should have to choose, do you?


Active Member
I dont think we should have to choose!! Life is too short
The only problem with upgrading is before you know it you want to do it again :scared: I have a 210 nowNext stop 400 !!


Active Member
Originally Posted by misfit
I had a 125, I grew out of that waaaayyyy too quick :scared: hahahaa
Well all of you need to keep me in mind when you are upgrading. I need a cheap tank
Especially if I want to upgrade before the year is out.


Active Member
Are you sure that's a bubble tip? It looks like it has purple tips, condy's commonly have purple tips like that. If it's a condy it will get much bigger than a bubble tip.


Active Member
I'm not an expert at identifying anemone's, but your looks exactly like the condy I had. You never asked Thomas what it was so he probably didn't think to ID it for you. Does it ever get bubbles in the tentacles? From what I see the tentacles are pretty long too. Mine current BTA only gets it's bubbles with the actinics on, but without the bubbles the tentacles are only about 2-3 inches.


Active Member
No I did not ask him in that particular thread. We had been talking about clowns and anemones for a few days on different threads.
Anyway yes it does get bubbles. It had bubbles when I bought it. Here are some more pictures. I was told it was a green BTA when I bought it. Heck I don't know. :scared:
Thomas if you read this tell us your thoughts. I dont' think I ever really did ask you if it was a BTA, but I did you "BTA" while we talked

It's tenticles are longer now that it has found his "happy spot". I hope it is a BTA as I don't have enough light for a condy I don't think. I though clowns wouldn't host a condy?



Active Member
Originally Posted by misfit
Looks great, I agree need bigger tank, my husband says if we get any bigger tanks we will have to get 1 of the kids to move out(Too bad they are 10 , 4 and 13 months) hahaha :joy:



quick question for you guys... I have a 90 gal setup for about 9 months now with DSB and 80 lbs LR. I added 4x96 PC lighting, and I was wondering how long before I see Coraline growth? I added a big piece of LR about 2 weeks ago that was just covered in coraline (also this is when the ICH started in my tank, could it be from this?) anyway, I suppliment with calcium sometimes, But I use oceanic and since I dont have corals yet, I dont test for calcium because I dont think its very necesarry yet. So how long before I see the coraline start spreading?